Please help with protein drinks!!

I am about 5 1/2 weeks post-op and I am having a terrible time trying to find a protein drink that I like. I continue to read on this website and I have tried many of the things other people have, but so far everything tastes bad. I have tried Carnation Instant Breakfast, Keko Shake, I bought UTurn bars and I am just getting discouaged and broke. Everything either tastes too sweet or like it has been sweetened with Nutra Sweet with a horrible aftertastes...please help! Thank you! Open RNY 256/216/140    — Denise D. (posted on August 7, 2003)

August 7, 2003
It sure IS hard to find a protein shake that agrees with you! I found that Unjury and Real Meals are best for me. Real Meals can be found at and you can order samples from there. Have you tried VitaLady? She will also sell samples of all sorts of protein shakes. Good luck with your search.
   — Rachel T.

August 7, 2003
Yes it is hard to get use to the Protein Drinks however you need them. I also have tried many samples and yes they are bad, after trying alot and I mean alot I found Pro Blend 55 Swiss Choc. it is the best I have found so far. You always have to give it a second chance it gets better as you get use to the taste. It's just like going to Diet coke after drinking REAL coke for years. I can drink 4oz of Pro Blend 55 and get 27gm of protein, it mixes good and it's thin. Good Luck! Betty
   — Betty B.

August 7, 2003
At you can buy samples for $1.99. This way you can see if like them before forking out a lot of money. I like the nectars.
   — Shari M.

August 7, 2003
I am still pre-op and had a terrible time finding something that I could keep down. Even the Carnation Instant Breakfast didn't work very well. I went to a discount nutrition store (not GNC, but a mom and pop store) and explained the situation to the owner. She gave me several samples of Champion Stack Whey protein in chocolate and banana and suggested that I mix them together. It actually tasted better than any of the others that I've tried. Now I wouldn't go so far as to say it was good as a milkshake, but it wasn't grainy, and didn't have the aftertaste that the others did. Also, you can mix it with only 4-5 ounces (instead of 8)of water or skim milk (I use milk) and get 23 grams of protein (28 with milk). ALthough alot of people mention vitalady ( wasn't able to find any of hers that i liked. I ordered 6-8 samples and couldn't take any of them, although I've heard of a lot of people that use her stuff. Nothing against her, she is wonderful, has helped me out alot with her postings, has had excellent success and has done a lot of research. I just couldn't get the drinks down.
   — Denise B.

August 7, 2003
I definitely recommend samples from Vitalady or some other source. I just found a new one that I like, Berry Blast. I make it with frozen strawberries and raspberries and it is yummy. I add my UpCalD to it, Benefiber, and Udo's Oil. Before surgery I loved my vanilla and chocolate shakes but no more, I can only do fruit (even at 7 mos out). I still order vanilla and chocolate samples now and again and try them but they still make me gag. For now it's the fruit shakes. What has saved me is that I've experimented with different additives and combinations. I have 3 or 4 different fruit powders and some days I mix them together, other days I mix one or two. Sometimes I add strawberries alone, sometimes raspberries, blueberries, frozen peaches etc. I had to become creative to make the shakes tolerable. You need to find your own taste. Othe people rave about Real Meals and Nectar and I don't really like either one. I had to find my own taste and flavors. There is a yahoo group called ossg-protein that has a lot of great ideas for shakes.
   — susanje

August 7, 2003
Like you, I tried several expensive ones and went broke. I finally found one at Walmart that I like. It comes in a four-pack for 5.86 premixed cartons. It is EAS Advant Edge . Comes in two kinds of chocolate, strawberry cream and French vanilla. Oh, Kroger's has it in yucky orange-pineapple. I really like these but i try not to drink more than one a day and only then if I know I haven't gotten enough protein in. Did I tell you, it has 0 sugar, 2-5 carbs, depending on the flavor, and 15 g. protein. Good luck!!!!!
   — Delores S.

August 7, 2003
I just wrote (emailed) the people at syntrax, and they area sending my a sample of the apple nectar, and a booklet. I just asked them if they had any free samples of the nectar or any other protein powders as I am planing to have gastric bypass surgery very soon. I went on to say that I am trying to find samples of the shakes to try. She responded in a day to say that she was sending out a free sample. We tried it the other night (we are both pre-op) and it was different. It was bright green and thin, very tart. DH really liked it more that I did. I think the other flavors would be better. This is a very do-able protein mix. I haven't tried any others yet.
   — Pookie B.

August 7, 2003
To add to my previous post. I mixed it up with 8oz of room temp water. It mixed very easily with just a spoon. We tried it that way then I added a few ice cubes to chill it. It was beter chilled, not that it was that bad room temp. I wanted to make sure to try it room temp so in case we were out and about, and needed a drink we would know how it is first. I think it would be really good jazzed up some with crushed ice, and maybe some other flavorings.
   — Pookie B.

August 7, 2003
I hated protein shakes too but I finally found one that I can actually tolerate. It is called Ultra Pure Protein Shakes. They come in vanilla creme, banana creme, chocolate and strawberry. My favorite is vanilla creme. The chocolate is entirely too sweet for me. They are already premade and are a little pricey but it is a lot cheaper than the money I used to spend on fast food. They are $2.69 a can at GNC but I became a gold card member so I save 20% between the 1st and the 7th of every month. Just give one a try. I was on a plateau and soon as I incorporated the shake I lost 19 lbs. Good luck. 314/257/180
   — Ronika D.

August 7, 2003
I forgot to add to my previous post that Ultra Pure Protein Shakes has 35g of protein, 2g of carbs and 1g of sugar.
   — Ronika D.

August 7, 2003
I have been drinking Real Meals since one week post op and found it to be great because you can break it up into tiny shakes and get a ton of high quality protein. I also like Pure Protein shakes for on the go because they are in a can premixed. They taste like Yoohoo and are very thin and easy to get down. I get them at Trader Joe's for 1.69 and that is by far the best price i have seen on them.
   — Carol S.

August 7, 2003
Try the Champion Whey Stack in chocolate. They are delicious and sweetend with Splenda. I use 12 oz water, 4 ice cubes and 1 1/2 scoops in a tupperware shaker. They are like a treat to me. These provide about 30 grams of protein, which is all that we can absorb at one time anyway. Try Prices are very reasonable and she sells lots of sample packs. Good luck.
   — blank first name B.

August 7, 2003
Order a sample of Apple Nectar from IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND GUARANTEED! It is bright green in color but tastes so good. I've been doing 2 a day for 2 months now and still actually CRAVE them. I've lost 80lbs at 3 months post and feel fabulous so it's definitly working! Good luck to you!
   — SMG I.

August 7, 2003
Ditto for me on the Champion Whey Stack. I had tried a few before I found this one and didn't like the others at all. I really look forward to this one.
   — Judy R.

August 7, 2003
I too am sensitive to drinks being "too sweet" ... I also have a problem with the thickness of a lot of them. At 7 weeks out, I can tolerate the NECTAR (apple), or some of the other protein drinks I found at (the ones in the cans ... I think they're ultra-pure or something ... BUT, I have to cut it with milk ... i.e. 1/2 can protein drink, 1/2 cup milk ... doing that 2x/day works for me).
   — Karyn B

August 7, 2003
I have to second the vote for AdvantEdge ready-to-drink. I do like the Rich Dark Chocolate flavor better than the Chocolate Fudge flavor (which, unfortunately seems easier to find LOL). And at roughly $1 each 11 oz "box", it's not too badly priced. If you find that they are too sweet, cut them with a bit of skim milk. Or later you can mix them with coffee (decaf if you prefer) for a bit of a mocha flavor. The strawberry cream flavor is not too bad, either, but take my advice and DO NOT try the orange pineapple! :(~
   — ctyst

August 7, 2003
You could try EAS carb solution bars. They are VERY low in sugar and really not sweet at all. I get mine at Sam's club (a discount warehouse club owned by Walmart)for $12 a case. Pretty cheap. Having said that- you could just NOT use protein supplements and eat real food protein snacks. Have you thought about that? There's no need to kill yourself trying every darn thing out there, or to go broke for that matter. Protein supps are not a necessity unless they are ordered by your doctor. They do make it more convenient to get in your protein grams, but, you have the choice to not do it if you Dr says OK. Personally- my Dr. forbids protein shakes. He wants us eating solid foods. He's OK with bars, but doesnt recommend them. Anyway- that's just another thought for you. Good luck in your journey!

August 7, 2003
I am 13 monts PO and still use the protein drinks regularly. The two best I have found are Ultra Pure Protein already mixed you can get them on the internet cheaper than GNC (banana is yummy) and the Nectar APple is great I wish it would have been out when I was first post op and drank so much of the stuff! Weird color green but a great change from that thick milky consistency ! Order samples from vitalady itll save you a bundle. Good Luck, Lesley
   — Lesley T.

August 7, 2003
I ordered samples from I like the ProV60 Chocolate Thunder. It is easily mixed with a spoon. It's a bit thinner than most protein drinks. I tolerate it well. I plan on trying the nectars. I wish you much luck!
   — Renee B.

August 7, 2003
I have had great results with the Designer Whey Protein Blast drink. It has 40 grams of protein in the 16oz. bottle. It tastes like a weak Kool-Aid. I pour it over crushed ice. It's the best thing that I have been able to find. I pay $2.69 a bottle and drink 1 a day. My favorite favors are STRONG BERRY KIWI and ABSberry Ice. It has 170 calories and 1 g carb. It's been a real lifesaver for me.
   — Susan H.

August 7, 2003
I like the American Whey by American Sports Nutrition in Creamy Vanilla. I don't know if you can get samples, but it is not sweetened with aspartame/nutrasweet or Splenda. It is sweetened with some fructose and stevia. It does not leave an aftertaste with me. I just get my skim milk whirling in my blender then add the powder slowly and make my drink nice and foamy. I love it that way. Don't get gas or anything from it. It IS creamy and very nicely vanilla. Guess my next jug will be chocolate or I will get some unsweetened cocoa to make chocolate shakes when I want them. I just put American Whey in a search engine and found out where to buy it on the net. Also you can put American Sports Nutrition in the search engine too. Maybe if you called the manufacturer you could get some samples. They have many flavors. I find I get along with the natural sweetener stevia much better than splenda or the one I am allergic to:aspartame. Good Luck!!~Lise
   — Lise W.

August 7, 2003

   — Linda A.

August 7, 2003
Champion Whey Stack (Chocolate) and the Nectar ones are the only ones I can tolerate, even at 2 years out. Check out for samples before buying a big tub.
   — mom2jtx3

August 7, 2003
Have you tried Met Rx's Ultra Pure Protein Shakes in a can? I get the Cappuchino and Caramel flavor, they are excellent! They are sold at, or your local Vitamin Shoppe. I also use powdered Avant EAS Whey protein (Chocolate) 20gms of protein, 5gms of carbs and 3gms of sugar, i believe. They are the best tasting powdered whey I've ever tasted. I buy them from Walmart. I don't know if anyone's mentioned this to you yet, but our tastes in protein are really going to vary from one person to the next. Personally, I dump on U-turn, Detour bars and every bar I've tried since surgery, and I've tried about 10 different brands of protein powder and pre-mixed before I found some I like. They only advice I can give is buy samples and/or save your receipts in case you need a refund. Good luck to you! Rny-proximal 02/12/03 305/199/175
   — Cupcake B.

August 7, 2003
Hi, I sell a protein drink, bars and powder that are pretty good, some people like them, some people hate them... it is simply a matter of taste. I sell samples, so you don't have to buy a whole box and waste money! Email me if you are interested! :~) Hugs and Good Luck!
   — Sharon m. B.

August 7, 2003
I also love the Ultra Pure Protein ready mixed cans from Met RX. You can buy one of each flavor at GNC, then see which ones you like and get them by the case much cheaper online. I am going to try banana next (I like the cappuccino and the caramel). Another option if you don't care for sweet is the drinks from Each packet gets mixed with water for a single drink. They are more like kool-aid than a shake. I like the wildberry best. The protein bars from there are good, too. I also like Zone bars, but I can tolerate sugars and some can't. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 7, 2003
I had the most success with Atkins Advantage canned shakes---Chocolate Royale ( the cafe Au Lait was horrible) and the Body Fortress whey protein from --chocolate. I used 2 scoops with 10 oz. skim milk in a Tupperware shaker. Didn't smell great til it was mixed. None of them will really taste like a McDonald's shake, though!!
   — Fixnmyself

August 8, 2003
After six months, 22 days and a handful of hours, I've FINALLY found a protein drink that I just love.<br><br> Granted, what I like others might not, we all know it's an individual choice. I remember trying "REAL MEALS" after hearing people rave about it,, yuck!!!! I literally threw it back up the first time. Unfortunately, I was the proud owner [cough] of an entire box and they're too bloody expensive to just throw away. So I resorted to my childhood days; pinched my nose, held my breath and kept a glass of water nearby as a chaser.<br><br> Anyway, the one I really like is called <b>"EAS-Myoplex-LowCarb".</b> They have several varieties, some are for weight builders and are loaded with calories. Another is for dieters, low in calories but high in carbs and minimal protein. Then there is the "LOW CARB" version in the SILVER box, and it's 'wunnerful! I've tried several flavors and I like 'em all. Strawberry is my favorite, followed by vanilla cream and chocolate fudge.<br><br> Each pouch has 50 grams of protein [when made with water] and only 9 grams of carbs and 3 grams of sugar. I split the pack into two servings, half in the morning and half at night. As strange as this sounds, I actually look forward to my protein drinks now, they're like a treat! It also helps me to have a variety on hand to mix up the taste buds a bit. I've found them at several vitamin stores and the price varies slightly so shop around. Some of the stores sell them as individual packets so it's only a $2 investment to see if you like it.<br><br> Um, and NO, I don't work for 'em, I'm a lady of leisure! : )~
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 8, 2003
Hi. Still pre-op, but testing the waters. I like Isopure Zero Carb Lactose Free Clear Drink. It's like slimy Kool-Aid.
   — Annie H.

August 8, 2003
Hi I've used Designer Whey Natural from GNC. It has no flavor at all 18.5 grams of protein and you can flavor it any way you want. I've made it with insant decafe and splenda also with fruit and splenda with a touch of vanilla extract.You can make any flavor you want.
   — saltyswife

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