I'm Pre-Op, love water, but drink entirely too fast, actually I GULP ... HELP

I drink so quickly that it scares me. Instead of swallow, I gulp and drink so hard that I have to grasp for breath when I am finished. I am a water lover and drink it all of the time, but it's the way I drink it. Help me to get some control over this.    — Angela B. (posted on July 17, 2002)

July 17, 2002
Hi Angela! Your surgery will help you get in control of this, believe me! I work 12 miles from my home, and in the time it took me to get to work I would drink 32 oz of water without blinking an eye. To this day since my surgery, cannot get the stuff down without the help of crystal light... also drink alot of diet snapple now. My fluid intake post op was pretty pitiful. Just lost my taste and desire for the water, and other fluids for that matter. I had to FORCE myself to drink, and even on my good days I was lucky to get 32 oz in all day long. So the moral of this (very long) story is that the surgery will help you... if you drink too fast you will become uncomfortable. The ability to drink so fast will not be there for a while. Now I can drink pretty normally...but I am five months out and that is pretty recent. Take care, Best wishes...
   — Ann B.

July 17, 2002
Guess What??? Post op gulping will HURT!!! So, you will only sip. And getting in all of your water will be very hard at first. But now, 7 months out for me, I can gulp, and I feel like I drink just like I did preop. I can not "chug" a whole pitcher of water, but I can take a few gulps. You'll do fine!!
   — Vicki L.

July 17, 2002
This will change. The hole that goes into your stomach will be narrowed. You will not be able to or want to gulp anything down fast.
   — Linda A.

July 17, 2002
Hey Angela, I'm a pre-op, too. Maybe try drinking from a straw. I think it helps me. Get that sipping in practice! Hugs,
   — Robin W.

July 17, 2002
Thanks for posting this question! I'm a gulper, too, and was wondering the same thing.
   — MoLyn

July 17, 2002
I used to be a gulper too. I would gulp down 2 16-oz glasses of water with each meal too. Well, everything has changed now. You will see, it's weird, you can't gulp.....I just keep on sipping. By the way I was told I couldn't use a straw for 6 months, too much air gets through and you do not want those gas pains after surgery, no way no how. Good luck to you.
   — stacjean

July 17, 2002
I gulp also, so how I am going to retrain myself? Well I will use a sippy cup like a toddler LOL I think it may just work!
   — Stephanie B.

July 17, 2002
Post op, you will be in a hell of alot of pain when you gulp. It will help you remember! Thing is somewhere around a year post op I could gulp water. Sometimes I'm so thirsty I down it in gulps and don't hurt at all now. (I still can't eat much, but I can chug a lug now).
   — Danmark

July 17, 2002
Ah yes, welcome to the club. Did any of us EVER eat or drink without acting like we'd never eat or drink again? All that is about to change for you. It's great that you like water, and you will need to drink plenty post-op. But immediately after surgery and for about a month or 2 you'll need to be a sipper. After that you'll probably be able to swig with the rest of us. I drink lots of H2O (4-5 24 oz bottles/day) and have no problems. One rule-wait 30 minute after eating solids to drikn, than chugg away. Your pouch is the boss, so if you have to go easy, just go easy. You'll soon be VERY in tuned to your body and not he blindly eating and drinking like "the old days". Best of luck to you! Diane Norcross
   — DianeN

July 17, 2002
I posted a question just like this before my surgery. I used to LOVE PLAIN water, drank it all the time and loved to chug it. I thought I would not have any problems with being able to tolerate plain water, because I loved it so much pre op. I was surprised to find out otherwise. For some reason it really took some effort for me to be able to tolerate plain water. And I'm just talking about the taste. Now, the swallowing too hard and fast, that is a different story. Everyone who posted is right. Your surgery will not allow you to drink like that. And I found that I just didn't want to for the first few weeks. Even when I was thristy, I had to literally force myself to drink any water. I could handle broth and sugar free popsicles easier than water. Now sometimes at 3 months post I want to chug water again, (and I can gulp a few times), but usually my pouch won't allow me chug like the old days. Good luck to you in your upcoming surgery.
   — A. S.

July 17, 2002
hi there i too love water i had to take it very slow at first doctors orders i never had a problem tolerating water post op i just took tiny sips i was very thirsty until i could take bigger sips now all is normal no big gulps still but atleast not tiny sips anymore and my pouch tells me when to slow down too oh also its ganna take some getting used to but you shouldnt drink and eat at the same time best of luck to you :)
   — carrie M.

July 18, 2002
Hi Angela, I had the same problem pre-op, Girl I drank so much water I was also so bloated and still wanted more water. Well with what I have learned is ( go out and buy yourself some straws) it's the only way I seem to control the water intake. Every now and then I find myself in a rush and thirsty stopping off to get water and bamm I forget the "Straw" I find myself gulping, and spitting it out. Go figure, I know what I can do and what I cannot. Your stomache will actually tell you. I can get in as much as 80 oz in a day, I thank God that I have no problem with water. How-ever on some days it really bores me as it's more like a chore to get all my water in. I seem to like the crystal lite ice tea.. Good Luck to you. God Bless. Dawn Sohmers 7 weeks post op and down 53 pounds.
   — tannedtigress

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