Is it possible to have RNY and hysterectomy at the same time?

Just recently it was found out I have a complex adnexal mass on my left ovary. The CAT scan showed that it could also be adhered to the bowel but won't know until they get in there to see. I have been fighting for insurance approval for over two years for RNY. Just two days ago I finally got that approval and in writing no less. Now, should I really try and get things coordinated to have these surgeries done at the same time? My open laparotomy with the hysterectomy is already setup for end of June. Or if I have to wait, any ideas how long of recovery it would be before scheduling for the RNY? I appreciate any information anyone has to share with me about this. I sure hate to wait but I want to what is best for my health at this time. There is a 30% that this mass is cancer and my OB GYN said that they might not want to do the surgeries at the same time for that reason alone. Thanks for any input you may have.    — Cindy M. (posted on June 9, 2001)

June 9, 2001
Gosh, that's a pretty serious question you're asking. I can definitely understand your desire to have one operation, however, only your doctors know your specific history and risk potential. <br> I think it's best to heed the advice of your doctor on this one.
   — [Anonymous]

June 9, 2001
Cindy, You are in a rough spot. I think you need to heed your surgeons advice. I wonder if the surgeon doing the hysterectomy is the same one who will be doing your RNY. If so maybe when you are in the OR he will k now once the uterus is removed if it is probably cancer or if it is benign. If it looks benign maybe he can go ahead and do the RNY at the same time. It seems that even under the best circumstances these are two major surgeries and might best be done one at a time. If you have cancer you may not want the RNY because if you need treatment following surgery your body is going to need all the healthy nutrients you can give it so restricting absorption and relying on supplements might not be the best thing for you if you are fighting cancer. I know how hard it is too postpone surgery but as you say your health is what matters most. I hope all goes well and that your surgery will give you the best possible news.
   — [Anonymous]

June 9, 2001
DON'T!!!!! I seriously question why any doctor would do both at the same time. I'm going to be very blunt. I'm a female to male transsexual who has undergone MANY surgeries. I had the double masectomy on June 30, 1989 and the hysterectomy on Nov 4th 1989. They were to close together for one thing. The hysterectomy knocked the wind right out of my sails. I had the vaginal done which definately helped as far as healing. But it was "four months" before I felt well. (I was 31 at the time). I was tired ALL the time. And I hemeraged after less than a week out of the hospital! So back I went. This is bad enough on the body by itself, and the RNY is bad enough by itself. However my RNY was Open. Perhaps you could do both of them as long as your RNY is the Lap. But I have serious doubts about it. As I have doubts about a surgeon who would put you through both at the same time. I know how much we hate to have more than one surgery. One is bad enough. But you are really doing your body AND health a diservice in my opinion. Any surgery is dangerous enough without adding another to it at the same time. Think carefully about this one. I am not signing anonymously so you know I am serious about this. I hope someone else has had both the Lap and the hysterectomy.... as I had the Open and hysterectomy. They could help you the most. But I think you are making a very big mistake. I do hope the best for you in whatever you do decide to do.
   — Danmark

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