I have a handful of problems, and suspect Sleep Apnea...

I have my first consult with the surgeon on April 30th, and I am concerned that I won't qualify. First of all, I am 26, 5'4" and 245ish pounds. My BMI is 41. I have heart problems, (premature beats), had surgery for a cardiac ablation, asthma (which is worse now),back, hip, knee, ankle, foot pain (which I haven't seen a doctor for, so no records), sciatica (which I HAVE seen a doctor for), I am starting to have irregular periods (haven't seen a doctor for it), my blood pressure is low, (but had gestational diabetes and pre eclampsya with my son 6 years ago). I had my gall bladder removed last year, I had tons of stones and it was diseased quite badly. I suspect that I have Sleep Apnea as well. (Never seen a doctor for it.) I hate seeing a doctor for things as you can tell. When I tell my surgeon about my suspicions of Sleep Apnea, is he going to have me get tested for it? Thus postponing possible WLS? Or would I qualify for WLS based on my Co-Morbidities?? By the way, my suspicions for Sleep Apnea are that for some reason all of a suddon my husband says that I snore. I am also always tired. I never feel rested anymore. Of course, my mother has Fibro Myalgia, it could be I have that instead... Any Advice?    — Annie R. (posted on April 4, 2001)

April 4, 2001
What makes you think you won't qualify exactly? It seems to me the more comorbidities you have the more likely your insurance is to cover it (barring any exclusions of course) and your Dr is more likely to deem it medically necessary. Seems to me you should talk w/ your family Dr about most of this. In fact he/she may be able to order the sleep study and get it out of the way so when you see the bariatric surgeon you'll arleady know. The more your family Dr knows about you the better they can test and confirm and the better the records your new surgeon will have. Good luck.
   — Dawn R.

April 4, 2001
This wasn't your main point, but....knowing whether you have sleep apnea can protect you. It is dangerous, per my internist, to put someone on a morphine drip if they have sleep apnea. So it might be worth having that test done even if it delays you a bit. Your life is worth more than a few weeks!
   — Mary H.

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