Can anyone recommend a non flavored protein powder or liquid to add to broths or soup

   — claire C. (posted on August 27, 2000)

August 27, 2000
I haven't tried it...but Designer protein has a "natural" flavor. It's supposed to be flavorless. Check with Michelle Curran ( I'm sure she can shed some light.
   — Michele A.

August 27, 2000
I've been using Geni-Soy unflavored protein powder. It has only 100 calories, no fat, no carbs and no sugar. It has 25 grams of protein pr. scoop and you only need one scoop. It is also loaded with LOT'S of vitamins. It is at Rite-Aid and Wal-Mart for $13.99 pr. can. It says right on the can that it can be used in/for cooking. I haven't tried it that way yet, but I do mix it with So-Be Lean drinks. Peach Mango and Tropical have 10 cal. & no sugar and maybe 10 carbs. Citrus has 5 cals, 1 carb and no sugar. They are metabolic enhancers and taste great. They have the flavored kinds too, but do not have the same protein count and I think that they have sugar in them. It is in a green can. I drink one for breakfast and one about 3:00 pm, that gives me 50 grams of protein. Then I have some kind of meat protein and veges. for dinner and fruit for a snack later. Hope this helps.
   — allendepot1

August 27, 2000
Hi! Try Designer Protein powder in "natural" which is available USA-wide at GNC stores. It is pretty bland and has a nice protein kick of 18 grams per serving. I used it in soups and it just thickened without adding flavor. Good Luck!
   — Carla I.

August 28, 2000
Hi Claire, GNC has a soy protein powder that is non-flavored. Hope this helps!
   — Laura P.

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