Is this knot a result of BLOOD NOT DISSOLVING?

Has anyone else had a knot like the size of your fist come up by the incision? I went to my surgeon yesterday because I noticed that above the belly button I had a hard sore spot the size of my fist come up. Unlike the hernia this did not go down when I laid down. He told me that it was undissolved blood that is now infected. He gave me antibiotics, said to use heat on area, and said to wear a binder to keep it in check. I am 7 weeks postop from tt/hernia repair. Does this sound right? Patti    — classydame1 (posted on July 2, 2004)

July 2, 2004
I've had a hematoma since surgery due to bleeding problems (I'm 3 weeks post-op). My doc said it would naturally go away in about 6 weeks (confirmed this with my aunt who is a nurse practitioner). It's bothersome to me. I've named it Betty. : ) I was also given a binder.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 2, 2004
Yes. An infected hematoma. Unusual, but can happen. Do what your doc said. Finish all the anitbiotics. Use heat to the area carefully (not more than 20 mintues at a time) And keep an eye on things. Hopefully the area will start to improve for you!
   — Anne R.

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