Has anyone else had constipation and bad gas?

I am 6 days post-op. I have very bad gas, but can't go pottie. Doctor says to use a suppository. If I could just get some of this pressure to leave!! I have read that most have to go several times a day, and I can't go at all. I have only lost 3 pounds. any advice would be appreciated. Lorna    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on November 22, 2003)

November 21, 2003
I don't really have any answers, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I am 4 weeks post-op and have had gas consatantly since I got home. I also am very constipated, going once a week if that (BM I mean, I pee constantly). Have you tried the suppository like your doctor said? I would try that first and defintely drink more water! Water is your best friend and will keep things moving, help you lose and keep you healthier! Drink Drink Drink! Good Luck, Tricia 10/23/03 296.5/270.5/150
   — Tricia S.

November 21, 2003
I was told that most likely I would have diarria all of the time, but, I knew with all of the protein going into my body that I would be contipated. I was right, I am one of those people that need to have a movement everyday, so when I was early post-op like you are I tried Benifiber, but it did nothing, so I took a tablespoon of Phillips Milk of Magnaisia and it helped me have a movement. Now that I am 3 1/2 months post-op, I eat about 1 to 2 oz's of sunflower seeds everyday and drink atleast 64 oz's of water and I have a nice smooth movement every day. The gas pressure hurts so bad, so I understand what you are going through right now. You need to try different things until you find the right one that works for you. Most important is to have a movement now to help you get rid of some of the gas pressure, try taking some Phillips MOM.
   — cindy

November 22, 2003
I had bad gas right after my surgery too, get some chewable gas-x and walk alot it helped mine "get out" Beware gas is something you will probably have from now on as a post-op, I have read that fats tend to do it to us the most as we cannot digest them well. Good Luck....Oh and you can also put something warm on your tummy for the pain.
   — Saxbyd

November 22, 2003
Gas-X works to relieve gas but it will aggrevate the constipation. Try PEPPERMINT TEA! It is a wonderful thing. It will help you move all of it out! And it's decaf!
   — Pambylah

November 22, 2003
It seems like we either have diariea(sp) or constipation. I have not heard of many that are normal. I have constipation. BAD BAD constipation. Only thing that works for me is benefiber. BTW, I did not have a BM till 10 days out and have seen where others have gone as long as 2 weeks. I used GasX for gas, but once I upped my water intake I had the BM. Good luck!
   — TheresaC

November 22, 2003
Prume juice worked for me. I also had the same problem. Also I took a stool softner which the doctor suggested. Be careful with the stool softner it could be too large to go through but the prume juice works great. Take it on a daily basis.
   — Lana Rush

November 23, 2003
I had a problem with constipation and my doctor told me to take Metamucil. That solved the problem. I was only about 3 weeks out at this time.
   — Denise H.

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