What post-op procedures should I get for cosmetic effect?

I am near my goal, I think. I'm 152, size ten, hoing for 134 lbs. I have wrinkles on my thighs, sagging arms, sagging neck, saddlebag thighs and dimples on my tush. I have a hernia so I don't worry about fixing my stomach; it's the rest. Do I do liposuction? are there newer things that you've tried? Who was the surgeon in NYC or LI? Thanks!    — elaine27 (posted on September 4, 2003)

September 8, 2003
I think the thing that will help you the most is a lower body lift. Liposuction causes cellulite to look even worse.

September 9, 2003
Most people don't do this, but you get the best results if you wait a year after your weight stabilizes for have plastics done. I had arms done at 8 months postop (I thought I was done losing) and then went on to lose another 50 pounds! I waited a full year after that to do the rest (tummy, inner thighs and boobs.) That was a good decision as the shape of your body can change somewhat after your weight becomes stable. My surgeon always advises people to fix the part that bothers them the most; for me it was arms. I'm glad I had the other stuff done, but nothing made a bigger difference in my day to day life than the arms. Good luck. hugs, Ann RNY 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 9, 2003
I am almost to goal, I weigh 139-141 depends on time of day, but my goal is 134 also. I am getting the lower body lift and a TT in Jan. and that is it, im done! Everyone says I'm starting to look like a map LOL. I would love to get my arms done and a breast lift w/ implants, but I wanted to get the areas that looked the worse. Good luck to you!
   — Sandy M.

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