I am 3.5 months post op and i just started having dizzines when i bend over

I was wondering if this is normal to start having dizzy spells? I have lost 60lbs in 3.5 months.    — Edie C. (posted on April 13, 2003)

April 12, 2003
Are you on blood pressure medication? Maybe your blood pressure is too low and your meds need adjusted.
   — mom2jtx3

April 13, 2003
Hi! I'm 3.5 mos post and down 60 lbs too! I also get dizzy easily, and I the last time I was at the doctor's I had low blood pressure (100/70). Maybe you should check with your doc, and have your labs checked too? Good luck!
   — Patricia E.

April 13, 2003
Edie, I had this problem as well and have for months. For me personally, it is because my blood pressure is way too low. Sometimes 90/70, soI get weak, dizzy and fainting spells. But a defiency is some vitamins could also do this. Have you gotten blood work done lately?
   — Lezlie Y.

April 13, 2003
Like the others said, it could be your blood pressure. I am on the lowest dose of one of the two B/P meds I have been on for years, now. I sometimes have those moments of being lightheaded, but I have also concluded that it is my body's way of letting me know I haven't had enough water to drink! Try increasing your water intake and it may just go away. Good luck, and congratulations on the great weight loss.
   — koogy

April 13, 2003
Hi I am pre-op but it sounds like your BP as everone has stated. I recently started on BP medicine a very low dose and have been getting dizzy. One of my recent BP readings was 96/70.
   — Kriola

April 13, 2003
I was having the same problem as well. I'm on two BP medications and my last BP reading was 90/50 so obviously my medicines needed to be adjusted. :o) Go to your PCP and get it checked out, okay? Good luck!
   — Tracy A.

April 14, 2003
I have to agree with Susan, I too get very lightheaded, dizzy, and even have black outs when I stand up if my water intake isn't at least 80 oz. a day. Try upping your water and see if that helps! Good luck!
   — Tami D.

April 14, 2003
It can also be the first signs of dehydration. Even when you think you are drinking enough, you may not be. Try increasing the water and ensure that you have a steady flow all day long.
   — Cindy R.

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