Restaurant Cards & Disney

From looking at the library it appears that there is not a large population of post-op's that are using their "Special Diet Request" restaurant cards, however, I was wondering if anyone has used them at any of the Disney World restaurants (Magic Kingdon, Epcot, MGM, resorts, etc)? Specifically for the Character meals. We plan on having 3 character meals and 2 of them are breaks my heart to spend $19.95 for a buffet where I know I will only eat a couple of dollars worth of food. I already purchased vouchers for lunch and dinner at sit down restaurants where I already know that I can share my BF's meal, but it's just these 2 cases that are bugging me a bit. Any of your experiences in this area would be very helpful.    — pam29922 (posted on November 22, 2002)

November 22, 2002
I too had the same concern so when we booked our meal i spoke with the resturants and was told that they would do all they could and also to tlak to the manager again when we get there.... I was told that some will just charge a $5.00 fee
   — tamitoez

November 22, 2002
Alot of them only charge the $5.00 entertainment fee OR they will charge you a child's price. EXCEPT the NEW Princess Breakfast in Norway at Epcot. The manager there is NOT very nice and he refuses to charge anything less than the full price. Of course, this is the ONLY buffet we are doing during our January trip.. sigh..
   — Amy S.

November 22, 2002
You could look at it this way - 1. you are paying for ambiance and a nice play to rest your laurels...and 2. with all you save on clothes now you can afford to "waste" a bit at a buffet :>) I actually prefer buffets because I can take just a taste of this and a taste of that, without being stuck to a menu with too much of everything. It's all in the mind-set.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 22, 2002
We went to DW last April when I was 5 months post-op. At that time I didn't bother using the resturant card for the Character Meals. I felt that what we were really paying for was the whole experience. The food was great and the entertainment was really enjoyable. I had my little tastes of everything and felt that we got our moneys worth.
   — Cheri M.

November 1, 2003
Has anyone else been to Disney World lately and had any good restaurant experiences? I too have a hard time paying the $25.00 for an adult buffet when I actually eat less than a child. I don't mind paying the $10 for my 1/2 cup of food but $25 is just too much. Please let me know if any of you have had any positive experiences with the management at any of these character buffets in regards to the gastric bypass surgery. Thanks
   — Stephanie H.

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