Has anyone developed an allergy to gluten post op?

I am almost 15 mos post op and it appears that i've developed an allergy to gluten! i am 34 years old and never had a food allergy before, i have hay fever allergies but depending on what i eat (gluten seems to be the common denominator) within 10 minutes i get itchy watery eyes, severe runny nose and MAJOR sneezing!! sometimes this is in conjunction with a tightness/wheeziness in my chest. My pcp isn't sure that i could develop a gluten allergy this "late in life" but i've heard of some weird stuff happening to our bodies post op. Any idea?? thanks all!! [email protected] kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 130lbs    — jkb (posted on September 8, 2002)

September 8, 2002
I know of a man who developed a gluten intolerance following the DS. It was temporary, and he is now able to eat gluten-containing foods again without problem. He also developed lactose intolerance, but that has not gone away. He is about 1.5 years post-op. Everybody's different. I had the same surgery with the same surgeon, and I have no food intolerances.
   — Tally

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