would fatty liver dx by liver biopsy qualify as a nedically necessa

ary condition by the insurance. I am going to see a surgeon next week. I am 5'7 bmi 39.7,250lbs. I have avmed hmo, I am worried of knee surgery(dx arthritis)12/01, 02/02 fatty liver, depression, backpain, borderline diabetes due to weight. I have avmed hmo(miami-dade fl) Do you think they will cover for gastric banding. This is alot of investment financially and mentally if they don't or won't cover. Please give some positive advise. Teresa    — teresa A. (posted on May 21, 2002)

May 21, 2002
Teresa- I am 3 weeks post-op. I was also diagnosed as having a fatty liver and was told by my doctor that that is a co-morbidity that would help get you approved. Many people who qualify for WLS have this condition. Other co-morbidities include high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, arthritis, gout, etc. Good luck to you. Mike
   — Michael N.

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