HELP! I think I dumped on sodium AGAIN.. is this even possible?

Hello there everyone. For the second time, I think I dumped on Sodium. The first time, I had THE worst diarhea ever! Just water for hours, (sorry so gross). I had just broth that incidentally was loaded with sodium. Well last night, my hubby made Hungarian Goulash, and I had maybe 4 baby bites of it, and then ate something else, since it was too salty for me. ICK. Well within the hour, I felt my heart being tachycardic, I was quite warm, like I was having hot flashes, I was lightheaded, and I felt so gassy, like I was going to either blow up literally, or have bad diarrhea again, though I was quite nausious (sp?) This lasted for just over 2 hours, and then I felt just fine by around hour 4. What went on? I know that it wasn't on fats, because for one, I don't dump on fats, and two, I didn't have that many, (it was a 'light Hungarian Goulash". So is this even possible?? Granted I didn't have as much sodium this go around then I did last time, but it was quite striking at how I can have ALL the symptoms of dumping, with just sodium. Was this sodium shock or something? Something else altogether? <p> I am almost 6 months post op from a proximal RNY. Please, If there is anyone who can shed some light on this, please let me know. Thank you all very much! Love you, Annie    — Annie R. (posted on February 3, 2002)

February 3, 2002
Hi. I believe that it is possible to dump on sodium. The dumping process (if I recall correctly from nursing school... 10 years ago... lol) is initiated by the law of osmosis. The high concentration of carb molecules causes a rapid draw of fluid from the bloodstream, into the bowel. This distends the bowel, everything dumps out of the stomach, and you feel ill. I believe the same thing could happen with salty foods, as it's the same process -- higher concentration of molecules on one side of the membrane will draw fluid in an attempt to equillibrate. Sorry for the scientific answer, but I think it really helps to know what's acutally going on when we dump. Here's a great link that goes into detail about both early and late dumping: It's REALLY worth reading! Aloha, JK, RN
   — Joya K.

February 3, 2002
Things change as time goes on. I think you can accurately say that you didn't "used to" dump on fats. I now there's not much fat in those things, but plain canned broth sent me flying down the hall when I was fresh postie. Now, no problem. It wasn't MUCH, but it was ENOUGH.
   — vitalady

February 4, 2002
Just one more thing to think about Annie. Some brands of tomato products (ie. paste, puree, sauce etc.) have added sugar. You said you didn't eat very much goulash, so this may or may not be it. I'm not sure about the broth. Try using "Salt Sense" it has 1/3 the sodium of salt. We actually like this better than salt...We couldn't find it the last few trips to the store and HAD to buy reg. salt...yuk...WAY too salty now! Good Luck.
   — Karen B.

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