Has anyone used rogaine to prevent hair loss? Does it work?

I just saw a commercial for rogaine and I was wondering if anyone has tried it. What were your results?    — Laura R. (posted on July 10, 2001)

July 10, 2001
Rogaine will not work. It was designed for alopecia which is a genetic loss of hair. With Rogain you must continue to apply and it dsn't work for everyone. The hair loss is related to the surgery-not genetics. It's the way your body is responding to the stress and shock of surgery. This is why it usually lasts anywhere from 3-6 months. Your hair does grow back. I'v heard where people use zinc to help the body heal and Nioxin shampoo. Please don't let people sell you "stuff". It's just washing your money down the drain. Your body is taking care of itself and needs the time to heal. Not everyone experiences hair loss and it usually occurs after any major surgery-not just WLS!
   — Linda M.

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