I haven't been able to keep food down for the past two weeks--need help!

I haven't been able to keep food down for two weeks. My doctor gave me prilcex and I went for a upper gi because he thought my stomach opening might have closed up. There was no closing of the stomach opening but the doctor (not my surgeon he was away) who did the gi said my stomach was irritated. Does anyone have a clue to what's going on? I have terrible acid. Your help is appreciated!    — Laura R. (posted on June 22, 2001)

June 22, 2001
Was it prilosec they gave you? If so that is something that should help w/ stomach acid production. I would be very concerned if you can't hold anything down... are you able to keep anything at all.. broth, water etc? Keep in touch w/ your dr for sure as you'll need additional followup or so I'd think. I sure hope it works out for you.
   — Dawn R.

June 22, 2001
I am sorry for your troubles. I'm going through similar problems and it is very wearing on you. I don't vomit but am nauseated all the time. I also had a scope, upper GI and CAT scan-they can't find anything. I don't have any answers, just wanted you to know that my thoughts are with you.
   — Brenda H.

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