Has anyone had the co-morbids that i have & was approved for surgery ?

if this is long, i apologize, but i really need some input from my 'peers'. i suffer from major chronic depression. i am under a psychiatrists care & take meds. i have 3 herniated disks in my back. i have coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, high tri-glycerides, high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea & pulmonary hyper-tension. i also smoke. i saw a new cardiologist today (my former one died) & i am crazy about him! he spent an hour examining me & talking to me about my heart, my health, my smoking & yes, my weight. i will be 50 next month, am 5'3" & weigh 266 lbs. i have a hard time walking & an even tougher time breathing. i brought up the subject of gastric by-pass surgery. he listened to me attentively as i explained my reasons for wanting it. when i asked him what he thought about it his answer was 'go for it!!' he has ordered a multitude of different tests for me & said that if he is satisfied that i will be able to survive the surgery i will definitely get his stamp of approval. i cant explain how that made me feel except to say i was amazed. i honestly didnt think any dr would want to approve me with all the health problems i have. of course he said i have to stop smoking because of the high blood pressure in my lungs. he is also going to send me to ucla for this problem. i have done lots & lots of research in the past month about RNY & already know i cant have it unless i stop smoking. i am so motivated now, because of this compassionate & easy talking dr, that when i wake up tomorrow morning i am going to apply a nicotine patch to my arm & toss the cigarettes away. of course i am doing it too, because i am scared. he said if i dont i am going to die because my life expectancy right now is very short. hubby is fantastic. he supports me all the way. & altho he is afraid for me to have RNY he wants me to have it. altho i appreciate his love, guidance & support very very much i need support more from all of you since you can relate to how i feel much better. any suggestions? advice? thanks so much. sheryl    — sheryl titone (posted on May 15, 2001)

May 14, 2001
It depends on your insurance. But, with your height and weight alone you have a high enough BMI. Also, your high blood pressure and sleep apnea would qualify you. These problems are improved and sometimes disappear once you have this surgery that allows you to lose weight.
   — [Anonymous]

May 14, 2001
Hi. My hubby (age 51) has/had almost the exact same comorbidities as you: coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, high tri-glycerides, high blood pressure, and MODERATE sleep apnea, plus he had GERD. All of these problems were documented as well as his open heart surgery 2 years prior. He had to pass a stress treadmill test and have a letter from his cardiologist giving the surgeon approval to do the surgery. He was approved with a BMI under 40 (was 38.4) BECAUSE of these problems! I would say you have a good chance but it depends on the requirements of your insurance company. BTW, he is 2 1/2 weeks post-op and was taken off of 2 of 3 blood pressure medications already!!! GOOD LUCK!
   — Anika R.

May 14, 2001
Honestly I can't imagine them NOT approving you! My co-morbs are Depression for ten years, severe lower back pain from a buldged (I think herniated by now) disc, severe joint pain, and acid reflux and I was approved by Aetna in just two weeks... My surgery is a week from this Friday :) Go for it, I think you have a great chance with your comorbs. I don't even have high blood pressure or anything like that! Good luck! Having a second chance at life is so wonderful... Dreams REALLY do come true!!! :) Renee Donalson
   — Renee D.

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