I was wondering will the excessive skin in the upper thigh area smooth out?

I've often read that the excessive skin located in the upper thigh area smooths out as the years pass. I am going through a divorce at the present time and was kind of concerned about being intimate with someone in the future and how would this person react to my scar and the excess skin. I would also like to hear from the people who have had the skin wraps and to see pictures of the skin before and after the skin wraps. I am seven months post-op and i am trying to avoid additional surgery but feel it is un-avoidable in my abdomen and upper thigh area. Now that i am losing the weight i don'g want to have to cover up, i want to wear sexy and revealing thing, since i have been deprived of this for so long. I have lost about 90lbs. probaly, i don't own a scale at home because i will become a slave to it and just can't handle it, i only weigh myself at my doctors visits and according to the way my clothes fit. Please i need advise and responses, God Bless Theresa    — theresa B. (posted on May 8, 2001)

May 8, 2001
Yes, it smooths out some on its own. ASsuming you are taking plenty of protein supp, plenty of WATER, plenty of dry form vite E, plenty of oils/lotions on the outside and getting some exercise in there, then yes, it will smooth out. If you add that you are 20, there's a good chance it'll smooth out REALLY well. I am old and mine did OK. A littel jiggly, but no draping effect any more. I did all of the above, EXCEPT any excessive exercise. They'd be way better if I had, I suspect. Even a few squats a day might help with this, as long as you are feeding the muscles plenty of protein supps. You want to dump the fat, keep the muscle.
   — vitalady

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