Could some of you give me a sample of what you eat at 6 months post?

I am 6 months post-op and I feel like I am able to eat more than I should. Could some of you out there give me a sample of what I should be eating now? What did you eat at 6 months, and how much of it, and when during the day? For example, I wake up at 6:30am, I don't eat anything until I drink 24-32oz of water, than I have a protien shake, than I TRY to wait at least an hour before eating a meal. But I am preoccupied with food all day long it seems!! I eat salad everyday and I get all my protien and water, but I feel hungry ALL the time. I was 2lbs heavier on the scale this morning, and I am freaking out!! I have lost 88lbs so far. Any advice PLEASE!!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 17, 2001)

March 17, 2001
I am sorry you are feeling so desperate. I am currently 6 1/2 months post-op. I eat much more food than most post-ops. However, it is MUCH less than I ate pre-op (for example, at my family's favorite Italian restaurant, I USED to eat a 16" deep-dish pizza pie, 20 Buffalo Wings, a large Salad, and 2 pieces of cheesecake). So unless this is also how you ate in your pre-op days, my current diet (with my associated success/failure status) will have little bearing on your diet. In fact, NO ONE who responds will have your body; your history; your age; your metabolism; your level of exercise; your heredity; etc...Now that I have re-read what I have written, it sounds a little uncaring, and for this I apologize. But what it comes down to is that each of us has to come to grips with how we are going to live with this surgery. And what works for Jane or John Obese may or may not work for you. Don't get me wrong - there's tremendous power in the thousands of people who have successfully lost weight (forever) thru this surgery. And taken as a group, much can be learned (and appreciated!!!). But as I have posted 6-7 times in the last month, the key for my "success" lies in my praising of my accomplshments, and the "shrugging off" of my setbacks. I don't know how much more weight you Hope/Plan/Dream of losing, but I think you should rejoice in your 88 lb loss!!!!!!! I think that's fantastic!!!!! With ANY OTHER METHOD, do you think you could have been near as successful?!?!? You are a !WINNER! Mr/Ms Anonomous, and I salute you. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you find the Peace and Comfort you desire (and deserve) in this journey. Kevin
   — meilankev

March 17, 2001
I do agree, to a fair amount, with what Kevin said. I think there's going to be a lot of variation among all of us on what does & doesn't work. At 6 months post, I could eat more than many people. I was eating 1/2 cup of food at a time frequently & can now eat more than that most of the time. At 6 months a typical day for me was: breakfast: 2 eggs, poached; snack: a protein shake; lunch: a can of tuna on four or five wheat crackers; snack: 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1/2 cup blueberries or nacho chips with cheese & sour cream; dinner: 4 oz steak, a small salad, 1/2 baked potato; snack: sugar free pudding or frozen yogurt. I've had good weight loss, 160# in 11 months & am very pleased with my progress. I have increased my activity level hugely over these last six months & this is what has worked for me. Now at almost a year post, although I CAN eat larger quantities, I try not to stretch my pouch too much, but I can eat socially without it being too obvious, most of the time, that I've had this procedure. One of my favorites to order out now is Eggs Benedict. I don't eat the bread, well, maybe, just a bite or two, but I usually finish them. It's nice to not always be asked now if something was wrong with my food. Also, about being two pounds heavier one day: Your weight WILL fluctuate a certain amount, nothing you can do about that. I think a lot of it's due to hormones & water retention at certain times. I still weigh almost every day & there's a certain amount of back & forthing. I've (finally!) gotten used to it & it doesn't freak me out any more. It's true, you need to listen to your body, learn how it feels to be satisfied, & go with what works for YOU.
   — Kathy W.

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