What is the deal with almonds??

Hi It's me again, with another question!! Can we have almonds? I was told by a health-nut friend that 8 almonds had as much protien as a t-bone steak?? I don't know if she is right or not, does anyone else know this? I also don't know what the fat content is either. I like almonds and if it only takes 8 almonds to get good protien than I will be a very happy camper. Thanks again everyone!!!    — Lauren P. (posted on January 22, 2001)

January 22, 2001
According to CyberDiet a one ounce serving of almonds has 6 grams of protein. A one ounce serving of steak has 7.3 grams of protein.
   — Roseann M.

February 22, 2001
First, let me say I have a very high pain tolerance, didn't need any pain meds following surgery or to date (surgery on 1/24/01) UNTIL I tried almonds, because I didn't want to bother with little meals. I had so much pain, at first I thought I pulled something! Finally, I realized it was from the almonds. I was told they are very hard to digest. I had to resort to pain meds, that's how bad it was! I gave my almonds away, and I sure love them too. Your experience may be different, and let me say it's only been 4 weeks for me, so maybe it was too soon?
   — Tina C.

July 7, 2001
Although they are high in fat they also have calcium in them
   — kathy942

February 1, 2002
How about almond butter? Would that make digesting it easier?
   — Linda V.

February 4, 2002
Hi..I also love almonds and ate some absentmindedly while cleaning up from a birthday party. MISTAKE! I was only 4 weeks PO and it was not on my list of "to eat" foods. I spent the next couple of days vomiting with terrible pain. I didn't realize the cause until I read some other postings here, must have been those almonds!
   — Caren S.

May 8, 2002
I am 4 months post op and started eating almonds a couple of weeks ago. I am doing fine, just remember to chew,chew,chew.
   — Sandy I.

May 13, 2002
Couldn't ya try to blend the almonds or puree somehow to make a festive treat? If the only problems are digesting because of size etc...
   — Sunny4x4chick

October 9, 2002
Almonds are a good protein source, even if they do contain some fat. However, I would recommend that you follow your surgeon's dietary guidelines and eat almonds (slowly as with any new food) when that guideline permits. I will eat almonds (a small handful) with raisins as a treat during my afternoon snack. They're wonderful, if you find you can tolerate them. And we need some fat in our food, to help with proper brain function.
   — lisachris

March 10, 2003
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that there are 3.7 grams of protien in 2 tbs. os almonds, so it's not that great of a source of protien.
   — Aprillmhall

October 2, 2004
I started eating almonds at five weeks post op. I am careful to chew them well. They are great when you are looking for something crunchy to eat. I bring them to work for my afternoon snack. I have had no problems with them.
   — NL

March 7, 2005
does almonds have as much protein as a t-bone steak
   — Melvin T.

March 8, 2005
I have been eating nuts, including almonds, since 3 or 4 months out and have had periodic problems with LOTS of abdominal pain. In Feb, I ate almonds for a snack and wound up in the hospital. My bariatric surgeon said "don't eat nuts." He said they, particularly almonds, don't digest well with our limited gastric liquids so they tend to clump up and sit in the intestine causing partial blockages until they eventually move on out of the way. I haven't had anymore nuts since the hospital stay and I haven't had anymore problems so maybe he's right. At any rate, I'm following his instructions. Too bad......nuts were my snack of choice!
   — scbabe

March 11, 2005
I am 10 months post op. I eat almonds as a snack, and have had no problem with them. must chew well!
   — Jeanne M.

June 22, 2005
I eat almonds constantly as a snack. I'm 2 and a half months post op and down 60 pounds. Almonds are an excellent source of protein. I go to Sam's club and buy the gallon Sunkist jug of almonds and it lasts a long time. Chew well!!!
   — Jen G.

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