I think that my pouch is larger than 2ozs. , Some days i can eat more than 2ozs.

I am 4 weeks post-op, and on some days i can eat more than 2ozs. For instance i can eat my small portion and still nibble on additional veggies or water, and i know the water that i consume at times is more than two ounces. Another concern of mines is that i can tolerate all foods that i try, such as meatloaf, fried chicken. i never have a full piece but i do take a bite, i can also tolerate sunny delight breakfast drink, i can take sips and not become sick or dump. I haven't tried any sweets, but i have not thrown up at all, or dumped. i thought that my new stomach will let me know when i have definately eaten to much. Although i keep my meal portions accordingly, i still have not had any ill feelings at all. Could there be something wrong? I have lost maybe 30lbs., i was last weighed 11-03, and i had lost 26 then i know i probably have lost a few more since then. I try to only weigh myself at the my doctors appt. I drink water not as much as i should at times but for the most part i get some in every day and i take two multi Flitstone chewable vitamins the nutritionist at Loyola Hospital in Chicago said it was not necessary to take additional protein supplements, that i should get enough in the protein foods i need. But from reading this sight everyone takes additional protein. Should I? Please Help Very Scared and Confused...........    — theresa B. (posted on November 15, 2000)

November 15, 2000
I suggest you quit choosing things to eat or drink like Sunny Delight and fried chicken. Why are you doing that anyway? Sunny Delight is not 100% juice and fried chicken is FRIED! Switch to oj and baked chicken and you'll have better success in the long run. You aren't eating sugary things too, are you? If so, why? I don't imagine you are craving these anymore - you just need to exercise better judgment in making food choices. It is surprisingly easy now. Maybe the reason you haven't dumped is the quantity you are consuming. You may not being full yet either but that should be happening soon. Obviously you aren't over-eating or you'd get pain. If you get pain, immediately stop eating. It is best not to eat and drink at the same time. You could be pushing the food through your pouch, thereby allowing you to eat more than you are supposed to with your sized pouch. Hope this helps.
   — Cindy H.

November 15, 2000
Most of us have a stomach pouch of 1oz or 2oz, but, we can still sit down and eat a half cup to a cup (8oz) of food at a meal. Of course, you are only 4 weeks post-op, so you shouldn't try to do that. After a few more weeks, when your stomach pouch is fully healed, you will find that foods go in, then out of your small pouch relatively quickly, especially soft foods or things that you have chewed very well. So, I would not worry about your pouch size at this stage. Your weight loss sounds good, and you are eating such small amounts now that you probably won't notice food-intolerances yet. Just try to stick to your surgeon's eating plan as best you can, and worry a little less.
   — Lynn K.

November 15, 2000
You sound exactly like me at 4 weeks I am now 5 weeks and believe me you will find out that your pouch is only 2oz. Unfortunately it will probably be the hard way. I also thought I could eat anything and tried various small bites of things to no ill effect. However when I moved onto more solid foods the sensation of fullness and the need to be carefull with food selection and chewing became much more evident. After a couple of sessions of vomiting you will be forced to be careful. Funny enough it has actualy made me much more appreciative of having the procedure done I now truely know it is going to work I'm not going to be able to eat like I used to and that is what I wanted. Good Luck to you it will work.
   — Debra H.

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