Does anyone else eat like a hog during there monthly cycle?

I am four months post op and have not had anything "sweet" until today then I ate a snack size small bag of bite size choc-chip cookies (210 calories) I only crave sweets during my cycle and it seems like I eat alot more too. I was so proud of myself because I hadn't even tried anything sweet and now that I have and it didn't bother me I'm afraid I will have "weak" moments or "monthly cravings" again.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 8, 2000)

October 8, 2000
Before the surgery during my monthly cycle I felt like I ahd a hollow stomach and ate all the time. I am four months post op and have noticed the same feelings but it takes ALOT less to satisfy the cravings now. Just be careful that you don't over do it.
   — Paula G.

October 8, 2000
I use to have a sweet tooth during my cycle that wouldn't quite. Since I had the surgery i don't craving for sweet. But usually If I think I have to eat something I eat a protein bar. The pure protein bar has the chocolate and 2 grams of sugar and 21 grams of protein in it. i try and stay away from cookies because i know they are my weakness and once I find out I can have them and other junk food I will continue to eat them. I don't want to know if I can have those thing or not.
   — Sharon T.

October 8, 2000
I do I do I do!!!!! I was not a sweet eater before surgery and now during that certain time of month I can't seem to think of anything else. I also try to eat a protein bar to satisfy my cravings. I get the chocolate for my mouth and the protein for my body. I am not always successful and since I have not had the fortunate side effect of dumping I am totally on my own with this.
   — S S.

October 8, 2000
The timing of this question is perfect. I couldn't understand why yesterday I was tempted to get into my husband's stash of mini-candy bars. I usually don't crave sweets (6 mo. post-op RNY). I ate two tiny Mounds bars, didn't enjoy them very much at all, but felt I HAD to have them. Guess what? This morning my little monthly friend came for an early visit by about 6 days. So, there must be a connection, right? AND, if I am honest with myself, I think I can track a similar pattern of cravings on the day/s before my period starts.
   — f M.

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