how soon??

At 3 weeks post-op I would really like to start eating other than baby food. Could I have some type of eggs for breakfast at this point?? [email protected]    — Kevin K. (posted on September 16, 2000)

September 16, 2000
Hi Kevin! I had surgery almost 4 weeks ago. I had a scrabbled egg one week post op and have eated egg salad, and poached eggs in the past few weeks. My first three weeks consisted of puree/soft so eggs were no problem. You should go by your doctor's recommendation. Good Luck!
   — Jeannet

September 16, 2000
I think you need to ck w/ your surgeon's office first. I was eating poached eggs for breakfast, cut in very small pieces as soon as I was allowed pureed foods. They are great. My dietician said to place a small slice of a low fat cheese either over or under the poached egg after you take it out of the pan. I let it melt then cut the whole thing up in tiny pieces. LOTS OF PROTEIN THAT WAY. Make sure you chew, chew, chew!!!...til it is mushy tasting. I'd still ask your surgeon first. It takes a while for the pouch to heal and be able to accept certain foods. Your surgeon is the best one to decide if you are healed enough to make this move. Good luck!
   — kathy S.

September 17, 2000
My doctor said I could eat them at 4 weeks. I , on the other hand cannot tolerate them. I use to love eggs too. Maybe down the road I will b able to handle them. Trina
   — Courtrina Amur W.

April 5, 2003
Well Iam 3 weeks Post Op and have just started eating 1 scrambled egg every other day for something different and I don't have any problems but as with anything throughout this experience I know that alot of people tolerate alot of things different!
   — Tamala T.

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