Is anyone out there that has went back to drinking regular

Cola's after having an open RYN?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 14, 2000)

July 15, 2000
Yep, I can. But, I usaully can finish a whole can. I take small sips. I dont drink much of it, I drink my water, which is more important. good luck
   — Lee Ann B.

July 16, 2000
Regular soda? Like, with sugar in it? Oh, no, I am dumping just thinking about it! LOL Seriously, liquids pass through your pouch so quickly, all that sugar would probably hit you like a ton of bricks. I wouldn't risk it, especially when diet soda tastes nearly the same anyway.
   — Lynn K.

June 1, 2001
I am 30 days post op, open rny. I have been feeling so sick lately and have suffered from diarrhea and nausea. Before I had my surgery, I would have a glass of coca-cola (sugered) only when I felt ill. I had 8 oz of coca-cola, which I drank down rather quickly. I felt better almost immediately and I did not dump. In fact, I perked right up. I don't, however, drink this as soda pop. Just a tonic. It worked for me, but tread gingerly.
   — lucky_to_be_alive

August 2, 2001
I drank about 4 liters of diet pepsi every day before surgery (VBG). After surgery, nothing could quench my thirst, and I knew it was my body wanting that pop. It took awhile (I had to let if get really flat for awhile), but now I'm 5 years post-op, and can drink all I want. But I've never been a regular soda drinker, only diet.....
   — Stella S.

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