I have heard so much about problems eating rice and bread...

I have not had a problem with either one, and I started eating both early on after surgery. I had the open RNY in March of this year, and have lost 85 lbs so far. I also heard that popcorn is not good for you. I used to eat it, but have given it up. I think it's psychological, because I can eat so much of it, I feel like I am pigging out! I also get tired of foods easy now. I find something I can eat, and keep down, and I tend to eat a lot of it, then, I don't like it any more. Anyone else out there having this problem? Thanks --    — Lori D. (posted on September 21, 1999)

September 21, 1999
Hi, Lori--I've never had trouble with breads or rice, either (open RNY 7-12). I've eaten popcorn with no problems, but only once. Like you, I find I enjoy certain foods for awhile, then want to move on---first it was cottage cheese, then it was fruit. Now I like salsa and baked chips!! Congratulations on your great success so far!
   — charlene M.

September 21, 1999
i eat alot of rice. i cant eat bread yet and am scared to try popcorn. i am about 6 wks post op and am constantly trying new stuff. i may never eat mashed potatoes again. good luck.
   — julie S.

September 22, 1999
Just goes to show that you can't believe everything you hear. Rice, bread, popcorn, all of these foods are ok. Just keep remembering to chew well and eat slowly, and to stop as soon as you are full or have discomfort. The only problem I can see is if you eat a single food to the exclusion of all other foods or if you lather the bread or popcorn in butter.
   — Bruce B.

September 22, 1999
Popcorn is bad? Not for most distals, anyway. It realy satisfies the need to make a lot of trips to your mmouth with your hand. Makes you feel busy, satisfied and full with very few Bad Things and no threat to your pouch!
   — vitalady

September 25, 1999
I have this "problem" sometimes too ... Rice & Breads don't normally work well for me but on rare occasion they're fine, I have no earthly idea why! I think it just tends to clump together inside and then get stuck, and that's why I have trouble with it. I haven't tried popcorn since my revision, but popcorn was easy for me to tolerate several months after my initial surgery and I used the lite microwave popcorn or air-popped when I was in the mood. I know what you mean about when you find that something that agrees with you and eating it until you're sick of it. My dietician suggested Ham & cheese "roll-ups" if we're on the go, as you could just roll together a couple slices fat free ham & free cheese and GO ... That worked so well for me that it was all I ate for a week and then couldn't stand the thought of another one! :) We go through phases like that ... it's not anything wrong. Congrats on your success thusfar!!! You're doing great!
   — Sherrie G.

February 28, 2000
3+ yrs post-op I still have a major problem with bread & no problem except rarely with rice. I have quite a few problems with other specific foods, too, but bread is one of the worst. I was told to be careful with popcorn as well. Unfortunately, I found out I can drink Mountain Dew in the quantities I did before, and knowing that has been sabotaging me.
   — Sarah V.

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