Do a lot of post-op folks feel like they eat more one day than the next?

Sometimes I feel like I am eating a horse! Why is this? I am 6 months post-op, and have lost 85 lbs. now. I have hit a month long plateau though. I know that if I exercise and diet, I will get past this stopping point. My doctor says he wanted me to lose 110 lbs in a year, so I am way ahead of schedule, like we both knew would happen. I just cannot figure out why some days it feels like I can eat more, for example, for breakfast I have a piece of toast with a slice of cheese. At around 9:30 a.m. I am hungry again. I eat either some apple sauce, a banana, or a flour tortilla with a little bit of butter. (less than 1/4 of a teaspoon. just enough to cover it lightly). Then for lunch I sometimes can eat a whole sandwich! Ham and Cheese, lettuce tomato and onion. Some days I can only eat half. Then usually in the mid after- noon I eat another applesauce or a few chips, or some dry cereal. For dinner usually I have had enough, and only eat a few bites of what everyone else is having on their plates. I try to steer clear of red meats still because of some pretty tough experiences in the past. Any suggestions on getting off of this plateau, for someone who has a crazy schedule already, between a husband, a full time job, grocery shopping, laundry, 3 kids, housecleaning... not much time for exercising here, plus... my internal motivation leaves a bit to be desired! I can be a bit more careful with my diet too, but I eat in a full day now what I ate in a single meal before surgery. Thanks for all of those who give me an answer!    — Lori D. (posted on September 18, 1999)

September 17, 1999
Hi Lori. I am 12 weeks post-op and as of last week I had lost 51 pounds, and yes, some days I definately feel like I am eating more. In fact, I just had this conversation with my husband last night. I told him that I was getting worried because I seem to be able to eat a lot of food. Although, I have never thrown up, so I guess I am not over-eating. I think I just got used to eating those very small amounts right after surgery. And your right, even though I feel like I am eating a lot through out the day now, that is probably what I ate before lunch before the surgery. Good Luck. Tammy
   — Tammy S.

September 18, 1999
I definately have this problem. Both my mental and physical hunger vary greatly. I get worried that I am able to eat so much volume wise then I'll have periods when a few bites is all that I can or want to eat. Seems that this is not unususal. Diane
   — Diane N.

September 18, 1999
That's pretty normal, you'll notice even when you "feel like you're eating like a horse" that you're still consuming FAR less than a "normal meal" used to be. I don't know the exact cause, but I think it has to do with the density of what you're eating. Unless you suddenly start being able to eat a huge meal in a half hour or so or a whole pizza or something I wouldn't be concerned. You're doing great! Keep up the good work, and try getting as much protein in as possible when you get these munchies, rhather than a lot of starches and junk. That will help boost your metabolizm. Are you exercising at all? Getting some extra walking or biking or other aerobic activity in can help get you thru that plateau too. Best if luck! Keep us posted!
   — Sherrie G.

September 18, 1999
Sugar. Applesause AND a banana, at the same time? Aim for no more than 6g of sugar at one meal. My formula never varies: no milk, no sugar, no grazing, no drinking with meals, plenty of supplemented protein, 2 wts of water. If you stay nourished (protein supplement), you won't feel like nibbling. And you'll hold onto muscle while losing fat. THe water really does wash the fat away. Not in a whoosh, but in a drip, drip, drip. Also, our doc says we tend to plateau at levels we'd stayed at before. Does that apply?
   — vitalady

September 18, 1999
Hi, I know what you mean! I feel I am eating lots, too, even though I'm only 2 months postop. I do walk about 20 minutes daily (I need to do more, I know)--but a typical day for me is 1 piece toast with 1/2 oz. lite peanut butter, 1 oz. yogurt (9 am), 1/2 Lean Cuisine for lunch (heavy on protein, light on carbs), maybe 1/3 apple or afew no-fat Pringles or l oz. cottage cheese about 3 pm, dinner is usually about 3 oz. meat, l oz. veggies, maybe l/2 smalled baked potatoe, then usually no more snacks. I drink about 50 oz, of water daily--I'm stuck at -50 pounds, have only lost 3 pounds in the last two weeks, so I know how you feel. (I started at 334--how about you?) My dr. says I'm fine, that it'll move downward soon, but , like you, I'm worried (he wants me to lose about l50 in one year).I'm sure I didn't help much, but I did want you to know you're not alone!! Take care--Charlene
   — charlene M.

September 19, 1999
It sounds to me like everything you are eating is carbs. Carbs don't stick with you long and they make you hungry. Try scrambled egg wirth cheese, Tuna fish with a few whole wheat crackers, cottage cheese, chicken. They to eat protein enriched foods. Also double check you water intake. You need 8 glass of 8 ox water a day. 64 oz total. Another suggestion is walking. Take your 3 kids with you. You didn't tell me their ages, but walking with them everyday will also help teach them the importance of exercising. Start out at 15 minutes and increase it by a couple of minutes each week. I find I like the time, it helps me to unwind and to relieve some of the stress. And if you have any trouble spots I would try toning exercises for those areas. The one spot I want to work on is my bat wings. I hope this helps, and congratulations on the 85lbs I think you are doing terrific.
   — bperrin

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