What is the average plastic surgery post op visits to the Doctor?

I am considering a plastic surgeon that is not all that convenient for me to get to for a extended tummy tuck and I was wondering (barring complications)about how many post op trips are needed after surgery. I understand everyone is different but I figure one for drains and maybe one for fluid build I right? Also what would the time frame be for these visits? Days after surgery or weeks after?    — Lynne C. (posted on August 29, 2004)

August 29, 2004
Hi Lynne, I had an abdominoplasty March 24th and went back at 1 week then I called when my drainage tubes were at a level that he could take them out which ended up being at 3 weeks. Then at 2 months I went back and he discharged me then and took pictures again. I would say probably 3 times maybe 4. I've got to go back for some repair work near the drain site but I can schedule this at my convenience. I too was 4 hours from my doctor and the trips were tiring but I wouldn't have used anyone else. Dr. Eich was great and such a perfectionist. Lisa in Alabama
   — lisab07

August 29, 2004
Lynn, you should ask the surgeon's office about the follow-up care schedule. Mine wanted to see me once a week (and he's two hours away). I did develop swelling and infection in one of my arms, so I had to go back every other day for about a week to get that taken care of. I'm six and half weeks out and have another appointment tomorrow. I don't think that's the last one, either. Also, drains can be tricky. I started with seven (I had an extended abdominoplasty, so three in the abdomen, brachioplasty, so one in each arm, and skin removed from the sides of my breasts, so one in each breast). Three drains were removed before I left the hospital. But the next four came out at various times over the first five and a half weeks following surgery. Because the drive was so inconvenient, I actually removed the last two drains myself (with the nurse's and PA's blessing). Complications, like the swelling and infection I had, are not uncommon, so be prepared to go back often if you choose this surgeon. You might not need to, but make sure you can go back frequently if needed.
   — Vespa R.

August 29, 2004
I had my abdominoplasty 2 weeks ago. I went for a 1 week visit, and am going again this week. I had an area of my incision near the center, that did not heal as well as the rest of it. I had several previous surgeries in that area and the skin must not have taken to the healing as well. He is seeing me weekly until we are sure it heals up. No major deal. It is scabbed over, but he said he is a perfectionist and feels bad it happened. Anyway if it continues as it has been the scab should be gone in a week or so and I just might have a little scar there that will eventually fade. No biggie. I'm still not planning to expose my belly in a bikini so I can deal with it. As a matter of fact, when I go this week, it will be right in the middle of the Republican convention. I am not looking forward to THAT subway ride!
   — Fixnmyself

August 29, 2004
I had my surgery 2-1/2 weeks ago and I have been to the surgeons office 3 times so far with another visit scheduled for this Thursday. Two visit to take out my two drains, one at each visit. One visit due to fluid build up after the drains were removed. Now just a visit to see how everything is healing and to check on the fluid. Thank goodness I had people to drive me because I just got the ok to drive a couple days ago.
   — ckreh

August 29, 2004
When I had my tummy tuck; it was a visit less than a week after getting out of hospital; then at two weeks - took out ON E drain; then another two weeks the second drain. THEN, after the last drain came out; I was back in his offie with fluid buildup - THAT required me going 3 times in one WEEK, then when it didnt fix itself - outpatient surgery to install a new drain..
   — star .

August 29, 2004
I had my first visit a couple of days after surgery. Then I was seen again the following week. I had 1 drain removed at that time. I went back in a few days later and had the other drain removed. I then had to go in 3 other times and have seromas drained. Granted, this was a complication. I would say that I went I in probably 5 times in 6 weeks. I would estimate 3 times would be normal.
   — Patty H.

August 29, 2004
My 2nd PS, which was not nearly as extensive as my LBL, had me in the surgeon's office at 1 week PO, then 4 days later to remove the drains, then 2-1/2 weeks PO and then 4 weeks after that and now 2 months after that. So it wasn't too bad. <p>However, after my LBL, due to tons of drainage issues, skin dying in an area of the incision, and needing additional drains put in after the initial 5 were removed at 3 weeks, I was in his office almost twice a week for 6 weeks. Then at about 8 weeks. The next time I saw him, about a month later, was my pre-op visit for my 2nd PS. That's when he took photos to document the results of the first surgery. I'm assuming he will take pics documenting the 2nd PS when I see him in Sept (3.5 months PO) or before he does my legs in Nov. Unless the surgeon is a very long ways away I would go with him or her if that is who you feel will do the best job. Your confidence in the surgeon is critical. My PS is 1 hour away, but I still would not change to someone closer, just because it would be more convenient. I now refer to my body as "Body By Dierberg". LOL
   — zoedogcbr

August 30, 2004
Lynne - I had my plastic surgery (and WLS) nowhere near where I live. I arranged to have follow-up care in the city in which I live. I arranged this before I went for either surgery. It worked out well for me and I know many others who have had success with this as well. However, it is imperative that you make certain that you have these accommodations BEFORE you go for surgery. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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