Mammogram after BL/BR

I was told to wait a year after having my BL/BR to have my mammogram. It will be a year next month. I was wondering, do they still use my old baseline mammograms to compare, or do they start over from scratch? Thanks    — Gail M. (posted on September 10, 2003)

September 10, 2003
Where I had my mammogram done they used my baseline to compare to the new. Had two sets of photos becuase of scar tissue on my right breast. Good luck MaryLyn
   — Kriola

September 10, 2003
I don't remember them telling me to wait a year for a mammogram. They may have, I have an awful memory. What they told me is I needed a new baseline because my breasts had changed so much after the lift and reduction. I now have a lot of scar tissue and they always takes several shots. This last mammogram they found calcium deposits and I have to go every six months now for that one breast. I'm not thrilled, but oh well. I don't know that they didn't compare my initial baseline with the new photos, but I would imagine after you establish your new baseline they won't have a lot of need to review the old ones after that. I'm not a doctor or any kind of technician so I'm just guessing. Good luck. S
   — sherry hedgecock

September 11, 2003
After having a breast lift and reduction the structure of your breast tissue is totally different. What they will look for is any new masses or calcification that weren't there before. Otherwise your new mammo will become your new baseline. Many calcifictions form after breast surgery,they will usually follow these every six months to see if there are any changes. I have some backround in this, I have been a mammographer for 25 plus years. Early detection is your best cure.
   — maureen P.

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