HELP!!! I had a revision to a distal (with only about 100cm common channel on 2/7/03

After having VBG and a proximal RNY, I started this time with a weight of 223. I', 5'6". I had been down to 150lbs after my proximal and at least want to be that again. Well...I went down to 210 at my 2 weeks check up, then to 206 at 4 weeks and this week (at 7 1/2 weeks) am at 204. Obviously the biggest amount came off in the first month and I think 2 lbs in 4 weeks is CRAZY given what I've gone through. I'm doing my protein shakes, getting in more than 64 oz of water, do not eat more than 10 gm of sugar at any meal, do not drink any milke etc. My stomach was originally transected and I do have an intestinal dilation just below the stoma which allows me to eat more than most of you...hence the distal conversion to help with weight loss through malabsorption. Any other distals (with as much bypassed as me) who have any ideas on what I might do regarding eating to get the weight loss going? I also found out that I might need IV iron therapy as I am anemic (I do take iron orally) and am VERY fatigued! Any ideas would help....I am pleased with any loss but think that most folks could lose 1/2 a week (when overweight and not near goal) without having had such a radical revision. Thanks in advance!!!    — Joanne M. (posted on April 3, 2003)

April 3, 2003
Joanne, I haven't had a distal RNY, nor any other surgery as of yet (pre-op stages still), however, I would like to ask one thing...are you exercising? Have you thought about weight training? Building muscle and therefore pumping up your metabolism would be a great way to get you going. Just my $0.02. Good luck. Rob
   — Rob P.

April 3, 2003
I really can feel your distress. I am 6 mo. out and a slow loser so I can't help there. I was also very tired until I started adding Amino 2222 liquid Protein supplements. I got it at GNC. Three tablespoons equal 22 gm. of protein. It taste yucky but I do feel better. I still do my 2 shakes a day with milk. Hang in there.
   — Marian B.

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