I backed out of surgery at the last minute. Will Aetna still cover if i reconsider?

I was supposed to have surgery on February 10th. I did all the junk that I was supposed to do the day before...such as not eat any food the day before. I felt horrible...couldn't sleep...and had to take about 4 showers just to calm my migranes down that night. When I was at the hospital, I felt okay... until they gave me a breathing treatment (I smoke, and had asthma as a kid). The breathing treatment made me feel even worse...i got very anxious... and started to freak out... I told the nurse I didn't feel well...and I just wanted to go home... after speaking with the surgeon...he said the breathing treatment was probably what pushed me over the edge... he was very kind and considerate. I realize that I need to quit smoking for at least a couple of months before surgery... and I will... my other concern is that the surgeon seemed to overlook some issues that I had mentioned...but not pushed prior to surgery. He knew that I had a bacterial underarm infection...which hadn't completely healed... and that I had concerns that I might ( I know) I have sleep apnea. I am considering looking into a new surgeon, who has a lot more experience...and feedback on here... I guess my question is... #1... am I going to get billed for what was done in the hospital that day...or will insurance cover it...and #2... will Aetna approve surgery again after I bailed the first time... and #3... will it be a problem for me to go to another surgeon??? I appreciate any help you can give me...    — Matt K. (posted on February 13, 2003)

February 13, 2003
Hi Matt: The first thing I'm going to say it that it was best you didn't go thru with the surgery considering one, you smoke and two, if this pushed you over the edge then you need to re-think what preperations you need to do in order to get yourself physically and mentally well to have this surgery. I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason Matt. Now whether your insurance company will cover this if you try again I don't know especially if they know you smoke. Smoking and this surgery is a big NO NO. I know people that have smoked and they've had a tons of problems, then you can also talk to someone else and they came thru the surgery just fine. By reading your post, you know you need to quit, so do that for yourself Matt, it's the best gift you can do for your body and trust me I know, I've just quit smoking after 40 years, yes that's right 40 years. I've made it 5 weeks now and I will continue to stay smoke free, because you see if I don't, I don't get the surgery and I want this surgery so I can live a healthier life and heck I'm killing 2 birds with one stone, getting rid of smoking and losing weight. To me that's a long awaited prayer being answered. Get right with yourself Matt and everything will fall into place, trust me on that one. Also Matt, I would think getting rid of the bacterial infection would be something you should do before surgery and also you really need to have the sleep apnea test done, that is nothing to mess around with, they need to know where you stand on that one, I'm surprised the doctor did not do that test, that is extrememly important. I really think you made the right decision by holding off and that's what you can tell your insurance company, that you felt these other test needed to be taken care of before the surgery is a go. If you need to talk please just email me, I'm hear to help you along. Nan [email protected]
   — Nanna050

February 13, 2003
Matt, you need to contact your insurance and ask them what their procedure is under these circumstances. I think your concerns are valid. You are a very brave person to be able to go as far as you did and still call it off. For your sake, I think you're better off. It sounds like he wasn't listening to your concerns thinking you'd just be glad to be getting the surgery done. Please...for your sake, get a different surgeon. One that you trust...completely. Best wishes.
   — Diane S.

February 17, 2003
I too backed out of surgery at the last minute (right before they wheeled me to the OR). BCBS covered my 2nd time around with no problems....Thank GOD! Just contact your insurance and know that you're not alone! It's a VERY scary surgery!
   — robinleigh

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