what is a stricture and how can you tell if you have one?

I have heard about that and I was wondering if I maybe have one, (I geuss its a stple leak?????) I am having a small pain in my abdomen and every time I eat I get sick feeling for about 15 - 30 minutes?    — Karen W. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
A stricture is different from a staple line disruption. A stricture involves the narrowing of the stoma - the outlet created to the intestines. When this happens, the stoma is too small to allow anything (food or liquid) to pass out of the pouch. I had one back in Nov., I couldn't keep anything down, including water. I called my surgeon who referred me to a gastroenterologist. He did an endoscope (tube down the throat) to stretch the stoma. If you are not throwing up, just feeling nauseous, it probably is not a stricture. It probably is not a leak or staple line disruption, as you would be VERY sick from the food going into your abdomen. Still, I would call your doc. It MAY be an ulcer - but you should call your doc as soon as possible. DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional, just giving my opinion based on your question.
   — Ali M

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