Pimple or, rash- like thing on their back after surgery?

I have always had great skin but when I got home from the hospital I noticed what looks like pimples but they have no pus in them, they are like a rash. I figured it was from the binder, but I am almost 4 weeks post op and I still have them, Did anyone else have these or do you know what may be the cause??    — Karen W. (posted on January 3, 2003)

January 3, 2003
heya hun.. after surgery i noticed that i itched all over.. couldnt really see my back or anything..but i itched horribly for a few days after going off pain meds.. also since surgery i have broken out on my face i did when i was a teen.. thinking of going to the doctor about it..but havent gone yet.. still hoping it will just go away.. i hear its from toxins getting flushed out of our bodies..hope this helps..*huggles and bb*
   — johanna F.

January 3, 2003
we store estrogen in our lipid (fat cells) so as we lose weight it is dump in our system causing pueberty like symptoms lol like acne!!! it will get better lol!
   — bekka K.

January 4, 2003
It might be folliculitis which you can get anywhere on the body that there are hair follicles (that's everywhere except the palms of hands and bottom of feet). It's an inflammation of the hair follicles, caused by sweating, bacteria, release of toxins (such as fat) from the body. Use an antibacterial wash such as Hibiclens (this is an over the counter item you can get at Walgreen's, Long's, etc.), and wash daily with it in the shower. Your best bet though is to have a dermatologist look at the rash and prescribe the proper treatment. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 5, 2003
Yes Karen. I noticed that in the past week (surgery 11/21/02) I have had it on my hand, elbows and knee, front and back. It is weird. It itches like crazy. Let me know what works for you if you do anything. Thanks. My e-mail is [email protected] I will ask my doctor in two weeks as well.
   — Regina C.

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