If you get a leak will it be right away or can one develop later on post-op?

What I was wondering if you have a leak test in the hospital and everything is o.k. at that point, do you have to worry about developing leaks after that. Or if you are going to have a leak will it be right after surgery?    — Pam R. (posted on October 8, 2002)

October 8, 2002
From what I know, you are at the highest risk for a leak immediatly following surgery. After they do the leak test and everything is fine, you can pretty much relax. I would worry however if you have had problems with excessive vomiting or anything that puts extreme stress on your pouch. If you follow your doctors orders, I wouldn't worry. :o)
   — fropunka

October 8, 2002
It depends on your definition of a "leak". If your pouch is transected, and there is a leak, it usually occurs within the first week or so following surgery. If you are not transected, you can develop a "leak" or "staple line disruption" at any time even years down the road. With my first surgery I was not transected and I developed a "leak" or a staple line disruption at 6 mos post op. I had to go back and be transected. If transected, the scar tissue usually forms very quickly so if you have a leak you are still in the hospital, in most cases. If transected, a leak can be serious and develop into peritonitis if not caught soon enough. This is when the stomach contents dump out into the body cavity. BUT after the scar tissue forms and the pouch is sealed, leaks are almost non-existent. If you are preop and have the choice, the best way is transected so that you will have a permanent pouch. When I wasn't transected, I just knew I would disrupt someday in the future so the disruption, when it occurred, was the best thing that could happen for me since I was able to get my pouch transected and insurance covered the "repair". Good luck!
   — Mylou52

October 11, 2002
At BTC when I had my open RNY, I was told that a leak could occur at any time within the first 6 weeks....and your chances are increased if you don't follow your doctors eating for healing plan during this time.
   — Lynette B.

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