Is it ok to drink regular snapple?

I am 3 wks post op and diet beverages upset my stomach - getting a lot of water in but sip on snapple occasionally. Sugar content is the same as apple juice.    — Maria C. (posted on September 17, 2002)

September 17, 2002
The sugar in Snapple and the sugar in Apple juice is totally different. One is REFINED sugar, one is NATURAL sugar. Try diet Snapple. Crystal Light is also very good. If the diet stuff is too strong you can always dilute it. SF popscicles are also another choice. For some people warm beverages go down easier . Try decaf tea, coffee, broth or even room temp juices and water.
   — Kim B.

September 17, 2002
Maria check out PROPEL fitness water, Its wonderful! It is purified water with added vitamins and just a hint of flavor and only 2 gr of sugar. I love Lemon and Berry. Getting in all my fluid is easy now.
   — Bev H.

September 17, 2002
I know you're probably getting all the answers you don't want to hear, but unfortunately, we shouldn't have sugary drinks. I was told by my surgeon that even fruit juices (i.e. apple, orange) should be limited to 4oz a day if that and mixed with 4oz water. it is just empty calories that we do not need. if you are really craving it, just drink one ounce of the regular snapple as a treat once in a while, but that's it!! I understand how your tummy doesn't like the diet drinks. My stomach can't handle the aspartame and nutrasweet that diet things are sweetened with. Goodluck to you! :)
   — Lezlie Y.

September 17, 2002
I agree with the Poster who says try Propel Fitness Water. There is also Reebok fitness water and Hanson Fitness Water. You might also want to check out Fruit20 and similar types of drinks. I am not a perfectionist, I have had sugar, but I wouldn't make it an everday thing.
   — Lisa N M.

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