how long after a open bpd/ds can you have sex?

   — Felicia B. (posted on July 23, 2002)

July 23, 2002
I heard a lot of people said that their doctor said whenever they were feeling better they could.
   — Shavonne P.

July 23, 2002
Took me about 7 weeks before I felt good enough to try it. it was good, but be careful. Also being a man, and "doing it" missionary I am left to do the work, but as a woman you could lay there in the same scenario, and just take it. I would just make your partner very aware that if he/she touches you, and there is pain things could become very painful to them... ahem...good luck.
   — sbinkerd1

July 24, 2002
I had an Open RNY and made love with hubby the day I came home form the hospital (3 days after surgery). Just take it easy and no swinging from the ceiling fan :) Take it at your own pace -- only you know your body enough to know what you can tolerate *smiles*
   — lilmskitty

August 20, 2002
My fiance and I had sex within a week of me having surgery..I still had bandages covering the incision line (I had an Open RNY) we just took it really easy..
   — Trish R.

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