Has anyone been told they shouldn't have the RNY because of previous surgery?

I went to my consultation with my surgeon of choice just to be told he would not do my RNY because I previously had a Nissan Fundiplication. He said it was too risky for me and there was a good chance I could die. I know others have had this procedure after a Nissan. Please let me know what your doctors told you. I desperately want to have the surgery but now I am scared to consider seeing another surgeon. Please advise me if any of you can. I am so worried now and I don't know what to do. Thank you for your support.    — Tammy B. (posted on June 10, 2002)

June 11, 2002
I also had a Nissen done, then I was told that I could not have RNY done. So I did my research and found out that the Nissen can be reversed. And I will be having My surgery on July 3rd. My Dr. ran alot of test to be sure how everything looks before he opens me up. I have to have the surgery open due to the reversal. If your doctor tells you you can't have it done be sure to find someone in your area that has had the experince in this area. I also found that my Dr. is a Trauma surgeon as well. So I fell that he is train in all areas so if something should go wrong he will be able to do what is necessary for me. Good luck hope it all works for you. Pam
   — Pam K.

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