Did anyone not pass the Pulmonary Function Test and still get the surgery?

I have been complaining to my doctor for a couple of years now that I'm always tired, short of breath, and feel like a weight is sitting on my chest. They've always said either 1)Lose weight, you're too heavy OR 2)You're just having anxiety. WELL, guess what! I just had my PFT's and I failed them and now they think I may have asthma or something else and I need more testing and possibly medication. That being said, has anyone failed their PFT's and not had surgery delayed? I REALLY don't want to put off the surgery. Also, can being overweight in and of itself cause the problems I've described? THANK YOU!!!!    — cjabates (posted on May 15, 2002)

May 15, 2002
Yes, being overweight can cause PF problems in itself. I have deminished lung capacity or whatever the "technical" name for it is... I can't pass a PFT if I tried... because of my weight .. But My surgeon required the PFT mreso that the just have a "baseline" to judge my future readings with :) Don't sweat it, they may want to find out if there's a problem they should be aware of before they do surgery, but remember, this is deffinately for your own good :) Good luck on your journey :) Keep your chin up :)
   — Elizabeth D.

May 15, 2002
Yes my PFT showed that I had asthma and also pulmanary obstruction, caused by morbid obesity. Chalked it up to another co-morbidity. It didn't delay getting surgery at all, but the Dr. needs to be aware of any breathing problems to deal with during surgery and recovery. They put my on breathing treatments while in the hospital every 4-6 hours to help me breathe better. Now am 10 weeks post op. Down 68 lbs and breathing much better than I have in years. I haven't even used an inhaler for my asthma in over a month and a half. They primarily just want to know what your lung condition is and what they can do for you. Good luck
   — Dell H.

May 15, 2002
I have a friend who had her VBG done last year and she has a pulmonary problem, similar to what you're talking about. Again, she DID have the surgery and she was monitored closely during surgery for any problems related to her condition, the only delay that she had was an extra 2months worth of psych appts dealing with her depression. Yes, weight does have a bearing on your pulmonary and your heart..think of it as the weight pushing down on the lungs and heart..they have to work harder to do their jobs, too much weight, and it makes breathing harder then normal...asthma is no help either since it restricts your breathing. Good Luck, don't be discouraged and think positive!
   — Jena C.

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