Has anyone had lap. reflux surgery prior to wls.

I had a nissan fundiplication for my acid reflux in 1992. I can no longer throw up or even burp. Nothing comes up from my stomach. I wonder what will happen if I eat to much after wls surgery and I can't throw up. I also wonder if you can have lap wls surgery after having a previous lap surgery. I have also had to vertical c-sections.    — Tammy B. (posted on April 28, 2002)

April 29, 2002
I'm sorry I don't have more of an answer for you. However, I did want to let you know that several months ago, someone on this site was planning to have an RNY performed (she had had the nissan awhile ago) and her doctor decided that the BPD/DS was safer for her because of the previous procedure. Don't know if this is helpful, but I thought it might be interesting. Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

May 1, 2002
Hi Tammy, I had my Nisson Aug. 2000.(LAP) I had WLS surgery 4-11-01. My surgeon felt that the RNY was potentially life threatening and wouldn't do it. Here are the reasons. 1st, they would have to undo the Nisson as the pouch for RNY is part of the Nisson. A concern here was undoing the Nisson could create tears,shredding and holes. Also, the pouch could potentially be smaller than what is considered normal.Also, the risk for death(for me) was increased due to the above possible complications. Also, the surgeon didn't know if the blood supply to the stomach had been altered during the Nisson or not. My ins(Aetna) agreed w/my surgeon and paid for my DS. I don't regret it what so ever. I have my Nisson, No heartburn, the Barretts esophagus isn't worse, I lost weight w/DS. I still can't throw up and with the DS it has never been an issue. I did get the bug for a day but I had suppositories for Nausea and that helped immensly. My surgeon did an open as he felt it was much safer. He was able to See everything much more clearly. I was under for 7 hrs. as I also had a bad gallbladder. I would do it this way again in a heartbeat!!!! I have lost 90+ lbs and closing in on 50" gone. I haven't been sick 1 day due to the surgery. Any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. I have to tell you I actually recovered from the open much easier than the lap!
   — Linda M.

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