How do I change the habit of snacking all the time?

I don't know where to get help on this. I have lost 213 lbs. and I am snacking way !!! too much I know this. I am still losing but, I am feeling bad about my eating habits    — Ramona P. (posted on April 3, 2002)

April 3, 2002
Hi there, I'm a pre-op so maybe I don't have the right to answer this, but IMHO, its the carbs that are the demons, try eating protein first, veggies then lastly the carbs. Whatever you did when you first started eating regular foods is probably the way to go. BTW, congrats on you weight!
   — Dina M.

April 3, 2002
Congrats on the amazing weight loss!! Regarding your habit of grazing, I have the same problem but deal with it by putting myself on a pretty strict regimen, i.e. 9:00, 1 full glass of water with vitamins, etc. 10:00, breakfast, 1:00 lunch, 5:30 dinner. I sip water throughout the day. I do NOT eat outside of these set meals, so if I am craving something, I try to incorporate it into one of my real meals. Snacking is so detrimental with this surgery, as I'm sure you're aware.
   — Terissa R.

April 3, 2002
I have to think that with you losing 213 lbs and STILL Losing you aren't back sliding. IF you must snack make it protein filled snacks. You didnt give an example of how much you were snacking or on what.....I am Pre op so I dont have a good answer for you but I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS on the weight you have lost and best of luck!!~
   — Sassy M.

April 3, 2002
I'm going through a very high stress period right now. Although I have always been faithful to my protein & vites, I find myself being more attracted to food than usual. As before when I went thru a very bad period, I have cranked up the protein supps to much higher levels. That installs a sense of control when I lose my own for these periods. I also set little rules to help me. I can have the _______, but FIRST, I just need to get another protein drink in. It fills up the space, provides true nourishment, cancels out any guilt AND usually kills off any cravings. It has been a very effective tool in controlling volume eating, and knocking cravings down to a managable roar. I didn't come this far only to lose the war to some situational crises. The good outcome is that my labs look better than ever following one of these periods, too! When the protein levels go up, all the levels go up accordingly.
   — vitalady

April 3, 2002
Your question was an excellent one and I must tell you, I have the same problem. I am 5 months post op, down 68+ lbs. but I KNOW it could have been more if I would stop the snacking! I am really trying to be more disciplined. And I can see how, yes, you can re-gain all of this weight if you don't use your new tool properly. Girl Scout cookie time....I ate one, then another, then another and found out "Cool. I'm not dumping" But then a few weeks later, I got on the scale and instead of losing a few more pounds, I gained two pounds! Well, that put the skids on it for me. It was a great lesson learned early on. I got back on the regime. My problem is, I still can't tolerate meat, so protein choices are slim at this point and I am getting so sick of protein shakes. In the meantime, the carbs were going down so well. But like I said, I'm back on track now. I think what I need is to do some research for some good recipes where the meat is "disguised". You can only eat so much Wendy's chili, refried beans, etc. Then you get bored. That's where I'm at now. Best of luck on your journey. I'm trying.
   — blank first name B.

April 3, 2002
Congratulations on your weight loss! I am 8 mos post-op, I have lost 115 lbs and am also having a terrible time with snacking. I have tried increasing my proteins. I am and always have been a stress eater. Currently I am under a tremendous amount of stress. I have started working out at a local gym, however, I still find myself munching all the time. My biggest concern is that I am going to stretch my pouch. This scares me to death, or tear my staples. Another problem I have is I CAN EAT SUGAR. :( I chose the RNY because I thought the dumping would cure me of that sugar habit. Doesn't affect me! :( Not sure If I'm much help, thank you for addressing one of my concerns! That is what I came on-line to look up! Kimmy
   — Kimberly W.

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