OMG!!! I think I'm pregnant!

I'm 5-1/2 months post-op and I think I may be pregnant. I haven't taken a test yet. I'll be taking a blood test this afternoon. Just wondered if any other post-op mommies could give me some insight....    — careywatkins (posted on December 31, 2001)

December 31, 2001
What the previous response failed to realize is that scolding you now will not help your potential situation. You don't always have to "try" to get pregnant. We all know that sometimes it happens with little assistance. If your test is positive,make sure you follow all MD orders and get all your required vites in. That's all you can do. Deal with it and May God Bless you.
   — Christine H.

December 31, 2001
Hi there. I'm six months post op and I had a scare last month myself. And YES, I was told not to get pregnant, and YES I was using precautions, but sh!t happens. In my case it was a false alarm, but please don't be mad at the question or at those of us who do get pregnant too quickly post op. I will leave the advice to the many post op mommies I know we have but I wanted to get an encouraging post here right away. If you are pregnant, that's where you are and that's where you take it from. No sense beating yourself up over the past. Sometimes babies are just really in a hurry to get here, maybe this is your blessing. Who are we to say? Good luck.
   — kcanges

December 31, 2001
Carey, First let me tell you how wonderful you look in your post op photo. I've actually read alot of information on this site about post op pregnancies. I read all of that information because I too thought I might be pregnant, and with that being said I am on depo and using other forms of birth control as well. So not every pregnancy is intentional. I am not pregnant but missed my period b/c of my weightloss. So this may be the case with you. However, if it's not, I have read lots of post where people have gotten pregnant before their 1 year anniversary and went on to have healthy babies. You just need to make your OBGYN aware of the type of surgery that you had and whenyou had it. They will probably consider you high risk and monitor you very closely. From what I've read, I think things will be okay as long as you're not currently having complications. Good luck and keep us posted!
   — Terri N.

December 31, 2001
Thanks for the continuing support. I guess the "scolding" post was removed. In any event, I could have posted my question anonymously, but I wanted the REAL people out there to see that REAL things do happen. I did not intend to get pregnant. However, I just found out about an hour ago that I am. I'll just do what I can, take Dr's orders, and let God take care of the rest. I'm not a stupid woman (doubters, real my profile) and I certainly thoughtI was being careful. But I can't change what is. C'est la vie.
   — careywatkins

December 31, 2001
Babies are a blessing from God. Follow your doctor's orders and enjoy this gift. Best wishes and please let us know how you do!
   — jsuggs

December 31, 2001
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I don't know of very many people who actually plan their pregnancies; I know I didn't plan mine, but it was the best thing that ever happened in my life. I hope everything turns out well for you.
   — Betty Todd

December 31, 2001
Carey, Congratulations! I'm sure that this gift from God will add so much joy to your life. My 'baby' is 5 and I miss the excitement of pregnancies and the beauty of early infancy. Maybe time has put a rose colored tint on those days, but I'd do it all over again in a second. Good luck to you and to your precious tiny one.
   — Donna L.

January 1, 2002
don't you just hate when people post nasty things anonymously. i always want to write back but there is no one to write to. Best of luck and Congratulations on your upcoming little one. Just do what the dr. says and you'll be fine.
   — LAURA G.

January 1, 2002
Hi--I'm not a post-op mommie but a new pre-op mommie by adoption! I do not plan to become pregnant this year (wanting surgery this year) but life happens! If you are, congratulations and enjoy your gift! Follow instructions, eat the right foods and have a great pregnancy--this may the plan for you!!!!!
   — jenn2002

January 2, 2002
I've been reading a lot on this (I'm 7 months out) and the research seems to show that as long as we make sure to take our vitamins, get in our protein, and keep our doctor's visits, we should do well. Most women they have researched who became pregnant before a year out had normal babies--it's just that you have to be so vigilant with your regimen and be careful that you have enough nutrients for both the baby AND you! You'll no doubt do great. Congratulations! :)
   — PT LawMom

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