I just found out that I have Cirrhosis. It is in the early stages. I am curious if

anyone out there can tell if this will hurt my chances for WLS. I was finally approved by my ins. last week. I have an appt. with a specialist tomorrow. Any insight to my dilema(spelling ?) would be grately appreciated. Thanks to all of you in advance.    — Claudette G. (posted on October 15, 2001)

October 17, 2001
When I went in for my surgery in July it was discovered after I was opened up that I had cirrhosis of the liver. My surgeon did a biopsy and closed my back up. I had a CAT scan and saw a liver specialist. The main concern was to make sure that I did not have hepitatus. The liver specialist said that the cirrhosis was caused by obesity, diabetes and the meds that I was on. He gave the go ahead for surgery and said it would stop the cirrhosis from progressing. I have not had wls surgery, open rny and I am 6 weeks out and have lost 30 lbs. Good luck to you.
   — Daryl P.

August 28, 2003
I also had a little cirrhosis on my liver one Dr wouldent do the surgery but now i beleave it was because he was shut down at that hospital for a mistake that acord on another patient But got in touch with another Surgeon at liv-lite Dr Pesta in warren and he said there was no reason for me not to have it matter fact would help alot to stop it because it was so fatty. I am now 8 weeks out and down 40 pounds. Good luck my thoughts are with you
   — Nola Y.

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