I just started using CPAP and was wondering also about the use after surgery.

I definitely have a better sleep.    — Leota R. (posted on August 13, 2001)

August 13, 2001
I too was diagnosed with sleep apnea and since using CPAP I sleep so much better. I was told to bring my CPAP machine with me to the hospital and used it in recovery and while recouperating. I'm hoping that as my weight decreases I won't need the CPAP machine as it can be uncomfortable at times. Discuss bringing it with you to the hospital with your surgeon. Let him/her know that it helps you sleep and feel rested
   — Janet R.

August 13, 2001
I used a c-pap for several years before my surgery. I took it to the hospital with me, as instructed, and used it while I was there. While I was still on oxygen, they ran it through the c-pap so my oxygen was supplemented even while I was sleeping. It was just a short time after my surgery, a few weeks, before I realized I was able to sleep better without the c-pap than with it. I had been taking it off in my sleep without even waking up. My sleep apnea has totally vanished. It's nice to be able to hear the wind chimes again as I fall asleep. Just one more benefit of my surgery....
   — Kathy W.

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