Any vegetarians out there post op?

Can you tell me what the diet is that you follow as a vegetarian? How do you get your protein?    — Donna P. (posted on July 9, 2001)

July 9, 2001
I'm not a vegetarian, but I have no problems following a vegetarian diet at times. Beans are an excellent source of protein. Nuts are too, but you have to be careful of the fat content. I also put some egg white/whey protein in my fruit smoothies. Eggs are good--the white of the egg contains almost all the protein--as long as you've got eggs in your diet (you didn't say what kind of vegetarian diet you follow). I've gone several weeks at a time without meat and haven't had any problems getting a decent amount of protein in.
   — Suzanne B.

July 9, 2001
I have been a vegetarian since i was 14 (13 years). I made the decision during my recovery to eat fish and poultry. I just knew it would be a heck of a lot easier, especially when eating out and at friends house's. I tried a few things pre-op, since I had no idea what I liked. Surprisingly, it was exactly what I liked when i was a kid, no seafood but tuna (but i buy good tuna, not just from a can), and TURKEY, and chicken if it is cooked just right. I am now 3 months post op and going back to a mostly veggie diet. Try morningstar farms if you haven't already - the "chicken" nuggets, corn dogs and veggie patties with a little cheese adn salsa are yummy. i also eat canned black beans, rinsed, with a little cream cheese and salsa (can you tell i love salsa?) I can eat 1/2 a sandwich, so i eat BLTs (fake bacon) with half the bread, no so great nutritionally, but yummy. You will think chicken broth is the best thing you ever had in your life 3 days post op, i know I did. Also celery (use a peeler to get off the strings) w/ peanut butter and raisins, lots of yogurt and milk....
   — M. A. B.

July 9, 2001
Oh, and lots of hard boiled eggs (I hate the yolk). Boil a dozen at a time and you can make egg salad - they stay good forever. DOn't forget to mark w/ a pencil the cooked ones...)
   — M. A. B.

December 7, 2001
My family and I are mostly vegetarians. We occasionaly eat fish and chicken. There are plenty of food out there that is meatless, although most of it contains egg. Morningstar, Worthington, Loma Linda are all vegetarian. Morningstar can be found in the freezer section of your grocery store, and the other products can be found online at: or at you nearest 7th Day Adventist Book Store/Church. Also, Best Buy sells a great vegetarian cookbook for only $15. Hope this helps.
   — Amber V.

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