Can anyone give me some good advice about coloring hair?

I am almost 4 months post-op. I have started to notice hairloss (which freaks me out because I have thin hair to begin with). I use Nioxin for shampoo and conditioner. I take a hair protein vitamin everday along with my multi-vitamins. I TRY (keyword try) to get as much protein As I can, but I have problems with the shakes and I have problems with different meats. Enough about all that. I have noticed my color going dull in my hair and would like to re-color it using something over-the-counter. The last time I colored it was before my surgery in February. Do you think it would be safe to color it again or would I end up looking like a Mexican Hairless Dog if I do color it again? Any input from anyone would be so appreciated!    — Gina L. (posted on June 25, 2001)

June 25, 2001
I would NOT try to color your hair at this stage. It is very hard on the hair, anyway, and during this time of loss would probably only make it worse. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 25, 2001
Gina, I feel for ya! I'm loosing my hair also. I had surgery 3-8 so I'm in the same boat as you. I've heard the same things as you have heard to try. You know what? I think all we need is time. There are so many things that can cause this hair loss and it is quite common. The good news is it WILL come back...I'm still waiting! Ha! I have a friend that is a Cosmetologist and she said things like this go in a 3-6 cycle. As for coloring it, I hi-lighted my hair about a month ago. I have dark hair and was thinking some hi-lights might give it some depth. It has created somewhat of an optical illusion so to hide the thinning. It didn't make it any worse as far as hair falling out goes. Good luck!
   — Deniece H.

June 25, 2001
Hi - I had very thick hair that I color every 10 weeks. I discussed the color issue with my stylist and was told that coloring would not effect hair loss, because I had been consistantly coloring for years. Yes, I have lost about half of my volume, but it is growing back. For me, it has nothing to do with protein, vitamins or anything else. I had a second surgery about 9 weeks ago, and my hair that had started to re-grow from the original RNY, started coming out in clumps in the hospital. That is now growing back too. I just got my hair colored about a week ago...this time I even added highlights. The previous post about it adding depth is very true. My hair looks so much fuller and healthier with the color. Talk to a reputable salon and if they think your hair is in good enough condition...I say go for it!
   — heidiinPA

June 25, 2001
Coloring your hair (not bleaching) will actually give the illusion of more hair because the color actually coats the hair slightly making it a touch thicker. Bleaching doesn't do this because it removes pigment. I was a hairdresser for years and have to disagree with one of the answers here, coloring isn't bad for your hair (bleaching is) and the new colors are gentle. If you aren't sure of the color go for some of the temporary colors that shampoo out in a month or so. Good Luck, Becky
   — Becky K.

June 28, 2001
My hair was looking really dull too. I've colored my hair twice since my surgery in February and my hair isn't falling out any faster than it was already.
   — Meredith A.

July 12, 2001
I am a hair color specialist so maybe I can help. My advice is to go to a salon and request a DEMI-PERMENANT color. This is a color with high gloss and minimal damage. It's not a permenant nor a semi permenant color. Also, for thinning hair I suggest using darker shades as this makes the hair look fuller. The service is reasonable priced and gives you a chance to pamper yourself! :) Hope it helps! Dana
   — Dana C.

July 13, 2001
I had surgery on Aug. 31st last year and colored my hair on Dec. 6th (look at my profile and you'll see the difference!). I am only 42 and looked at least 52 because of my gray hair and I decided that I was tired of it. I had lost a fair amount of hair, but I had more than I needed to begin with. I didn't notice any differnce in the amount of hair loss after coloring. I did notice a big improvement in my appearance and attitude!
   — georgiacarol

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