Does anyone know if I will have a problem taking my meds?

I currently take pain and other related meds for my Fibro and Arthritis. I also take several vitamins for energy.Am I going to have trouble taking these meds after surgery?    — Leslie R. (posted on April 8, 2001)

April 8, 2001
I was told by my Dr. that all my medications would have to be changed to liqued instead of pill form..i hope this helps you
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 8, 2001
I have a muscle relaxer for my back.After surgery I was told to break up the pill.I had no problems with this.Hope this helps:)
   — Carol F.

January 23, 2004
I have arthritis, fibro,ibs,hypertension, migraines, and carpal tunnel. As you can image I take numerous prescription medication as well as alternative supplements and vitamins. My Dr.'s looked at all the meds and have decided what I will need after surgery and what can be crushed up and what we need to elminate prior to surgery. My surgery date is in March 2004. I am praying this will improve the quality of my life and reduce the extreme pain I have daily.
   — Michele L.

January 23, 2004
I am 9 months post syrgery and down 110 lbs. A lot of my aches and pains have resolved or decreased but some I will always have. Before the surgery I was told NO ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES! They can cause severe ulcerations in the pouch. But I did continue using a low dose Vioxx until I had dropped about 75 lbs because without it I could barely walk from the arthritis in my knees and degenerative discs in my lower back. But I eventually started having some problems with the Vioxx so now I take an Extra Strength Tylenol for the milder pain. I have a muscle relaxer for the days I am in distress but let me say those days are very few. My legs and feet no longer swell, my arthritis is much better. I still take glucosamine sulfate for my knees and I started taking a natural licorice for my irritible bowel syndrome. I am still on high blood pressure meds but that may change in a few more pounds. But essentially I feel much better. You will too. (oh, and I quit crushing pills after about 3 months.)
   — linda A.

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