Where can I find the book by Dr Gaye Andrews?

I read your answers to the question about the book "Living A Lighter Lifestyle:A Guide To Successful Weight Loss And Maintenance Following Gastroplasty And Gastric Bypass". I wanted to buy it and tried to find it but had no luck at any of the bookstores here in my town or on the internet. Is it a new book or is it old? Can Anyone help?    — Patricia G. (posted on June 28, 2000)

June 28, 2000
   — Paula G.

June 28, 2000
   — Paula G.

June 28, 2000
I saw this question on another group the other day and I wrote down the information. I guess you can only get the book through the author's office. Here is her name and address. Dr. Gaye Andrews 490 Sierra Keys Drive Sierra Madre, CA 91024 phone 1-626-355-7025 The name of the book is "Living a Lighter Lifestyle - A Guide to Successful Weight Loss and Maintenance Following Gastroplasty or Gastric Bypass." It is $28.45 and I guess she sends it through Priority Mail. Hope this helps.
   — Cindy M.

June 28, 2000
The mailing address is Wheat Field Publications, 490 Sierra Keys Dr., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 the cost is 24.95 plus 3.50 shipping. Hope this helps
   — Kim N.

June 28, 2000
See for ordering info.
   — [Anonymous]

June 28, 2000
You can purchase the book by going to There is an order form on the site. You have to order it via mail order. It only took a week to arrive which is very good for "snail mail."
   — blank first name B.

June 28, 2000
This is the Gaye Andrews link for her book.
   — Terry M.

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