Has there ever been a case when insurance covered PS on upper arms and upper thighs?

I was just wondering if there have ever been any special factors that would qualify for approval for an upper arm and thigh Plastics? If so what insurance did/do you have and what were the requirements to be approved? I have lost 150 lbs and truly look abnormal in these areas. I haven't met with a surgeon yet, I'm just wondering what to expect.    — lyndaleigh (posted on February 11, 2004)

February 11, 2004
Hi there! You said that you "<i>truly look abnormal in these areas</i>. First of all, don't EVER say that! If an insurance company even gets a hint that you are doing it for cosmetic reasons, they'll never pay for it! Yes, I have known a few different people who's insurance company paid for both the thigh lift and arm-lift because they were able to convince them it was due to medical necessity. Things to tell your surgeon are things like you get rashes under your arms where the skin from the arms hangs and touches your trunk when your arms are down, you cut yourself shaving under the arms because of the hanging skin, the odor from all the sweat caused by skin-on-skin contact (i.e. yeast infections). Will this get your ins. co. to pay for it? It depends on if those two particular procedures are exclusions in your policy. I met medical necessity according to my surgeon, but my BCBS would not pay for the arm lift because it was not a covered procedure on my policy. While the ins. company realized it was medically necessary, it just wasn't covered on my policy. They told me that if an ins. co. covered absolutely everything that someone could have done, no one would be able to afford insurance. Anyway, good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

February 12, 2004
They paid for all of mine (except the breasts - I didn't even submit for the breasts, but wish that I would have). Good Luck to you!
   — Beffy W.

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