Has anyone become addicted to pain killers after surgery?

I am 1 year post op and down 130 pounds. After I lose my last 5 pounds I will be a happy 120 pounds. My surgery and post op went very well for any one. I have only had a few complications which were very minor and have learned to live with my surgery so it doesn't hurt my life. My problem is that after surgery I started taking percocets pretty much every day. I stopped for a while, but now that I am not married any more I take 3-4 percocets or vicodin a day. I have also started smoking. I need to know the dangers of taking these pills, not for everyone, but for someone who has had gastric bypass surgery. I am an extremely responsible individual. This behavior is very out of character for me and that is why I want to scare myself out of it. Please help.    — Christine C. (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 8, 2003
If you have been taking percocet or vicodin every day for the better part of a year you need to get some help...and soon. Addictions are nothing to play with...wls or not.
   — eaamc

October 8, 2003

   — baybekmbrly

October 8, 2003
Hey Christine - Congrats on your success. I wasn't addicted to the percocets, but I found that I was really looking forward to taking them at night and really didn't need them. I got rid of them because I found that I liked them a little too much. If you feel as though you might have a problem than you probably do. Many people find themselves in a similar situation. If I were you I'd toss them out - why substitute one dependency (food) for another. Good luck to you. - Mike
   — Michael N.

October 8, 2003
Yikes Christine: You're exchanging one serious health risk (MO) for a couple of other equally serious health risks. Please do whatever you need to do to stop. You are so young and have a young child. You have your whole life ahead of you if you get this under control. You were very pretty heavy, and you're pretty now as well. One thing to think about other than the health risk is smoking ruins your teeth. Not only does it stain them a nasty color, but it also causes you to have trouble with your gums. My brother in law was addicted to percocet and he used to go to various dentists and doctors will pain trying to get more and more pills. It put a real toil on his life, and wasn't a pretty sight. You can kick drug dependency but it'll take some work. If you want to email and talk, feel free to do so anytime. I hope you can get this under control and move forward with the healthy, productive life you deserve. If you can lose 130 pounds you can get rid of the other bad habits you're developing. Do it now before it gets harder. Best of luck. S
   — sherry hedgecock

October 8, 2003
Taking pain killers when you aren't in pain is not good. If you have to have surgery or are in an accident, then you will have built up a higher tolerance for pain medications and will need much more. It sounds to me like you have substituted smoking and the pain meds for the addictive behaviour of eating that you had before surgery. Smoking is VERY bad for you as a post-op - it does all sorts of damage including preventing the absorption of nutrients that we need. Please see a doctor or counselor and try to stop this destructive behaviour.
   — Patty_Butler

October 8, 2003
How are you able to continue to get these drugs? The person prescribing them (if they are being prescribed) bears some responsibility. You are addicted and need to get some help ASAP. Perhaps you need something else to help calm you, or an antidepressant, but pain pills are definitely not the answer!
   — koogy

October 8, 2003
Percocet and Vicodin both contain Acetominophen (Tylenol) which may cause liver damage if taken in too high a dose and/or too often. Do whatever you can to stop. As a recovering addict myself, the addiction will simply get worse and worse.
   — Cosmo K.

October 8, 2003
A friend of mine's sister had WLS (K.M. of Louisiana) a year or two ago. She substituted addictions also. Our fat is a symptom, although it does create it's own problems. She died a couple of months ago from a prescription drug overdose. Her family didn't even know she had started going to a pain Dr. for meds. They found out going though her stuff after the funeral. Please don't let this happen to you and your family. Get in touch with your surgeon, He should know where to direct you. Good Luck and God Bless --
   — CohenHeart

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