Has anyone's surgeon required them additional $$ for support services?

I went to an informational meeting this week, because I am really interested in the surgery. During the meeting we were informed the surgeon's have added an additional $3600 for support services up front. Everyone that I had talked to had never mentioned this expense. This additional cost is not covered by an insurance company. Has anyone had to do this? Should I look for an other surgeon?    — Sandra C. (posted on August 25, 2003)

August 25, 2003
A program fee for post-op programs, support group etc. are becoming more and more common. However, $3600 is highway robbery. I would DEMAND a breakdown of what that money goes to. I have never heard of a number this high. Most are in the $500-$750 range. I suspect this surgeon feels they won't get paid enough and is building some of the surgery costs into this fee. I cannot for the life of me figure what kind of post-op care/support they could provide that would be worth that amount of money.
   — zoedogcbr

August 25, 2003
I'd look for another surgeon. These "program fees" border on the illegal...JR
   — John Rushton

August 25, 2003
The center I went to offered additional support group meetings for a fee, i think it was 200.00 for 8 sessions. To charge without the option is crazy. Best of luck to you.
   — Brandi S.

August 25, 2003
owe gosh noway hon..find another surgeon!
   — Deanna Wise

August 25, 2003
My surgeon has a lifetime extensive post op program and charges $650. $3600 is rediculous.
   — faybay

August 25, 2003
It all depends on the surgeon and the program he chooses to have for you. My surgeon has a $950 up-front for the psych (%450 cash or check!), nutritionist, physical therapist, and office expenses such as maintaining a place for support group meetings. I feel my life is worth that much. But I also agree-- $3600 is highway robbery. Ask for a brekdown and rationalization for the cost.
   — Susan R.

August 25, 2003
My surgeon requires an upfront fee of $4500.00 for these services. They just started this effective 1-1-03. Thank goodness I had my surgery last year!!!!!!
   — Carla ..

August 26, 2003
I vote with the others - find another surgeon!
   — M B.

August 26, 2003
Surgeons are becoming like banks--fees for every little thing. You don't pay 'program fees' for other services, at least I haven't. It's a crock. They DO make enough money, they just want to cut their overhead costs so they make more, more, more. You shouldn't have to pay for a support group--just my opinion.
   — jenn2002

September 22, 2003
I hadn't heard of these fees either. I'm still considering the surgery but wonder why the folks at this site can't organize something. Members could pay for the room reservation (sometimes employers offer rooms at no cost), perhaps a bariatric nurse/nutritionist could chair for a small fee, to earn extra money...
   — Vicki R.

September 22, 2003
My surgeons group charges a $500.00 fee up front for post op support services, groups , classes etc. This fee covers you for two years following the surgery.
   — Kelly R.

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