please help i'm losing my mind, was this worth it

I know my complication is small compared to others but I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I had the surgery for my weight, I had no health issues yet, which they say would be worse then what I have now. I had a stricture, it was fixed, then another thursday, which ended in me being dehydrated, at the same time I started to pass bloody stools, so they took me to the e/r. Turns out I had an ulcer. The gastro fixed it, and I am finally home and healing. My blood count is still low. I am still weak is that ok? they said yes, but I am so afraid of bleeding again or being dehdrated. I am scared to death right now and wish I didnt do this. Will I recover? and not regret this? Thanks    — gary viscio (posted on August 17, 2003)

August 17, 2003
Gary, I'm so sorry you've had some problems. They can be very discouraging and scary at times. For me, I truly believe in this surgery and the opportunity to start living again that it provides. I think, that as you progress and the weight continues to come off, you will find your health and energy and quality of life will surpass everything you imagined it could be. You are literally still recovering. Your recovery will take up to 6 months. Your body is adusting and learning a whole new way of functioning. As the weight comes off, your body will be more capable of dealing with health issues & you will find that this new strength will be the basis for a healthier Gary that you never thought possible. Without the surgery, your chances for having to face diabetes, heart disease, knee & back problems/surgeries and numerous other comorbidites FAR outnumber the complications you are having to face now. I truly feel that you will recover very very quickly. We, as WLS Patients, chose to take this path so as to avoid the other, uglier, lethal paths. Gary, your courage and strength in just deciding to have WLS surgery shows what an incredible person you are. This is just a small bump in the road. Take that courage and strength and run with it on your road to recovery. *hugs*
   — chelle3081

August 17, 2003
So sorry you've had a rocky start. Your body will need 28 days to recoup its low blood count, so drink plenty of fluids and take iron if that is what your doc recommended. Iron can make you constipated so you'll need to counteract that with either a stool softener or some bulk fiber - I used Fibercon when I was pregnant. The pain pills can make you constipated too, so drink lots of water.
   — bethybb

August 17, 2003
I can certainly relate, I just had my 4th stricutre. My surgeon takes blood work once every 3 months until you reach your goal. Talk to your doctor about extra LIQUID IRON. I have the name of a great one..since I can no longer take pills because of my numerous strictures, caused by an ulcer. Email me anytime for further info. Take Care and hang in there
   — Karen Renee

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