Do you loose weight when you get they bypass if you have a thyroid problem?

   — Lori C. (posted on June 23, 2003)

June 23, 2003
Yes you do lose wt.Actually my thyroid started to work.I am a slow loser but i got lazy and started to eat the wrong things.NOw back on track lost 100 by from Aug 2002.Just do as the doctor said and you will do fine. Brenda
   — Brenda N.

June 23, 2003
I have a friend (met her after my surgery) whose thyroid had completely shut down during her last pregnancy. She weighed 352 pounds when she had surgery and she now weighs about 128. She is wearing a size 4. So, yes you can lose weight if you have thyroid problems. By the way, her surgery was about 18 months ago.
   — Patty_Butler

June 23, 2003
I've been on thyroid meds for most of my adult life so I was worried I'd never lose. Never could before so why should I be different post-op right? WRONG! I'm 7 and a half mts out I'm down 103 pounds with 25 to go before I hit goal. I am a slow loser (avg. 8 pounds a month) but I am losing and you WILL too. Stick to the program and you will be a success story. Good luck. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 100+ and counting
   — Siddy I.

June 23, 2003
I had half my thyroid gland removed almost 3 years ago and have been on medication since then. I had WLS with no problems. I'm a slow loser but I don't attribute that to my thyroid.
   — koogy

June 23, 2003
I had my right thyroid lobe and isthmus removed a year ago. I now have fresh new tumors on my left thyroid lobe (found 2 wks ago). I have been on Synthroid for a year. I had RNY surgery 3 months ago and my thyroid issues do not interfere with my weight loss. Something to think about though, if you are on thyroid meds, they can't be taken within 3 hours of the vitamins and supplements we take for the RNY because they will inhibit absorbtion.
   — M B.

June 24, 2003
Hi. I was taking .3mcg of synthroid for many years prior to this surgery. That's the highest dose they will give you outside of a hospital. I am now, 18 months post-op and down 210/220 lbs and only taking .1mcg of synthroid!! So, yes! You DO lose weight!
   — Sharon M. B.

June 24, 2003
I also am on thyroid meds due to a total thyroidectomy in 1998 and I am losing. I am a lightweight, almost 4 months out and have lost 92 lbs so far. As long as you keep up with having your levels checked and if you notice any symptoms of hyper/hypo thyroidism you should be fine.
   — TraciB

June 24, 2003
Yes, you will lose weight even with a thyroid problem. However, just make sure you faithfully monitor your levels with labs quarterly. I had my med dose changed every couple of months until just about three months ago now. And I'm almost 2 yrs post op! EVERY time I hit a plateau in the early post op period, I needed to change my med dosage. I really thought I was the plateau queen!
   — lisachris

June 24, 2003
I'm 2 mos out with pcos AND underactive thyroids. I've lost 42 lbs since then, and on the advise of my doc, I'm seeing my pcp 1x month to have labs run for 6 mos, then every 2 mos from there on out. I'm levoxis 150 mcg, and have managed to keep my levels almost normal. It does make loss a little slower, but you definatly will loose if you follow your doc's orders. Good luck and God bless!!
   — mellyhudel

June 24, 2003
I have an underactive thyroid... or half of one at least and take .175 of synthroid daily... I have lost at a great rate and am down 143 pounds at 2 years post op from 278. It doesnt really effect your weight loss once you have the bypass as long as youre being treated adn your TSH and levels are stable... ciao, Suze
   — SusanMaria

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